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The Foodpreneur Journey™ roadmap
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"I can't stress enough how important this is. We have to step into the belief that you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a successful entrepreneur; you are a badass boss. This is the fastest way to get to your goal is to grow your belief."

Full Transcript


Sari 0:04
I'm Sari Kimbell and I've done just about everything in the food industry. I have helped hundreds of packaged food business entrepreneurs and now I want to help you make your delicious dream a reality. Whether you want to be successful at farmer's markets, online, or wholesale onto store shelves, Food Business Success is your secret ingredient. I will show you how to avoid an expensive hobby, and instead run a profitable food business. Now let's jump.

Sari 0:39
Hey, everyone, and welcome back to another week of the podcast. This week is awesome. I have an amazing guest with us and you guys are gonna get so much out of this. I know some of you listening this is exactly what you need to hear. So today I am welcoming Chelsea Ford. And she is by far the farthest away guest I've ever had on this podcast. She is in Australia, and has a phenomenal accent as well. Chelsea has had an esteemed 20 plus year career in senior management inside of some of the world's most prominent CPG brands, including Kellogg, Nestle, Dyson, and Staples. She took her experience and her passion for helping foodprenuers inside her females in food membership group. And she uses her food printers formula to coach women all over the world to help her create exceptional businesses that are sustainable, because they are profitable. So I want to welcome Chelsea and I know that there has to be more to that story. So welcome on and please fill out that a little bit more as you you made your own shift from corporate to being an entrepreneur.

Chelsea Ford 1:58
Hey Sari. Thank you so much. I did. I had a very big career. I always wanted to be in food from a very early age and worked my way up the ranks from catering one of Sydney's most esteemed and highly awarded catering companies through two big CPG brands, some of which you've said plus Sara Lee. I was at the coffee roasting plant for Tao Egberts, which was owned by Sara Lee coffee and tea and I absolutely loved it. Went on to Nestle, Kellogg, works for Dyson and staples, but my heart was always at the smaller end of town. So I have a brain for big business and a heart for artistisanal business. And I also did my masters and I wrote my thesis on women mentors empowering women mentees, so all of this experience and education kind of didn't really make sense to me in the moments other than what I did was what I loved. But then in 2016 it all made sense when I had a minor from heaven the idea of Females in Food. So I guess I bring all of that to Females in Food and women in the food and drink industry. So yeah, that's that's my story in a nutshell.

Sari 3:26
I love it. And I I love it how our lives just kind of all of these pieces happen and then we don't know how they're all gonna fit together. I can definitely tell you the same similar story for my my career in my life. But I love that you bring some some real legit business operation expertise.

Chelsea Ford 3:46
Thank you. In that I should also say that I lived in North America. So I've been to your part of the world in Colorado and I lived in California and also an Ontario for a while so I'm right now Yes, I'm back in my hometown of Sydney, but definitely know America and love it very well.

Sari 4:07
Oh, wonderful. Yeah, we were talking before we start recording that you have been to Colorado and near me. So that's fun that you you've been to this side of the world.

Chelsea Ford 4:19
Yeah, you're part of the world's beautiful.

Sari 4:20
while you are enjoying summer there it is cold and winter here, but I'm jealous. All right, well, you have this amazing new foodprenuer journey roadmap that people can pick up and we'll definitely give people the link to grab that and it'll be in the show notes. But let's talk through this a little bit more because I think you can really help shed some light on folks who are moving out of those initial stages of their their CPG food business. You know, I really help in Food Business Success with some of these earlier stages like create and assess and commercialize, like just getting that product out into the world. And then that's really where you come in. So let's talk first about how you recommend going about commercializing a product. And to be honest, and to be fair, you also work with a lot of service based businesses as well, right, in in your business?

Chelsea Ford 5:24
Yeah, I'm pretty pronounced formula. My program definitely dovetails beautifully with what you do with Food Business Success, because you're right, you know, once somebody has passed the ideation stage, and they've done that early stage assessment, I think you and I dovetail at the commercialize, and to answer your question around products and service based businesses, I do. I work with products and services, women in products and services, in food and drink. So culinary schools, culinary education, CPG brands, and everyone in between, really, so long as they've got a growth mindset and they're already got some established roots. So I guess, you know, for me, commercialization is twofold. One is your operations plan. And the other one is your financial planning. By operations planning ironically, I think a lot of foodprenuers miss the notion of bedding down what that operation is all about. You know, often I say, food printers struggle with becoming a business. And that's what I teach and want to inspire women in particular, given my business, to do is that they're not just creating a product, they're building a business, because a business will sustain you, and help you reinvest in the business and your life. And that's what that's my mission at Females in Food to help you pay yourself a great wage. I'm very concerned that women often don't take care of their financial well-being so at that commercialize stage, along the foodprenuer journey. You know, operations planning is around estimating what the market forces will be for the next year. You know, are raw ingredients that you use going to be, you know, an abundant supply, therefore, can you buy them in bulk? Therefore, get a product better price? equally? Are you expecting a rent increase on your commercial premises? So, do you need to prepare and mitigate that risk? And what is your financial model? Are there people helping you either casually or on contracts? Have you actually documented that? And where are you spending your time and for me that I use a model that I developed called function eight, and it is simply the eight building blocks of building a food and drink business and whilst you may not have unlike big business, a person you know, most unlikely to have a person dedicated to sales and marketing and finance and product development and admin etc, is probably you the foodprenuer.

Sari 8:34
Right? They wear all the hats.

Chelsea Ford 8:37
They wear all the hats. Exactly. Unfortunately, at this point in time, maybe don't maybe do have some contractors that particularly in operation space, you know, with the preparing and packing or the cleaning. But I always encourage foodprenuers to just nominate the particular systems that they have in those functions so that they're clear; that there are separate areas in your business because we gravitate to the one that we love ordinarily, but the others get left behind. And then also on the preparations plan for the 12 months looking forward, I'd like you to nominate what your promotions are for each quarter, even if it's just high level at this point in time. So then you just have a really robust couple of pages of what your operations look like for this next year. And then that's coupled with your profit and loss statement. You know, the money coming in the money going out? Are you in profit or loss? And I think depending on what stage of business you're at, making a loss is not always a bad thing. It's just that as long as you know that you're making a loss.

Sari 9:50
I love these things so much because I think, I don't know about you but I work with a lot of people in Food Business Success who have never been an entrepreneur, they've never been in in this food space, and typically they're coming from kind of more traditional, you know, job, jobs, the workforce, or stay at home moms or retirees, and they've just never run a business. And, and, and seeing all of these, you know, the inner workings of what it takes. And I think a lot of people and you said this in one of the stages that, you know, you can't run a food business on passion alone. And so being able to have some systems and prompts because most people don't even know where to start with an operational plan. They need they need guidance for sure.

Chelsea Ford 10:44
Yeah, my answer is always going to be best practice. And I think it's the job of the foodprnuer to know that they're just putting their best foot forward, you know, it's not about doing it perfectly. It is progress, not perfection. But it is my job to give you the ideal formula. And then you do what you can at the time. You know, I think I'm very cognizant, and you and I have spoken about this Sari, the level of pressure that some people can put on themselves, and then that can be that can counteract, really their success. So I just want to give people the thread of best practice, and then, you know, you I like people just to start and then improve over time. You know, you can't you can't compare your starting out with someone's further down the line.

Sari 11:45
Right, right. Yeah, we're all on our own journey and every business is different. And especially in the food industry, I mean, products vary widely, and regulations vary widely and production. And so there's a lot of factors involved, and everybody is on their own journey, but you just have to start somewhere. So getting started. So that's the commercializing your product. And I know, you definitely provide some of these great tools. So then if we go on to the next stage around, this is your activate stage. And so you talk about increasing demand for your product or service. So can you tell us a little bit more about this stage?

Unknown Speaker 12:32
Yeah, absolutely. So 41% of businesses began by women, and I appreciate your audience's men and women but my expertise is working with women. They do so to solve a problem that they have that's intrinsic to them, such as their own gluten intolerance, or their child's nut allergy, etc. But the key to a sustainable business is doing your market assessment to know that there's enough demand from people other than in your inner circle. So I always

Sari 13:16
Beyond your friends and family, right?

Chelsea Ford 13:21
You got it. So I encourage people to think bigger. And foodprenuers mostly start because they love their product. And that is only one third of the solution. We many people may have heard of that hedgehog concept, which was originally developed by Jim Collins, the management consultant, you know, and the three thirds are love what you do, do something that you're great at. And then the third one is, it needs to drive an economic engine, and that's relative, whether you're for profit, or profit for purpose with a social enterprise. At the end of the day, there's going to be money going back into the business. And this is what happens at the Activate stage is that I emphasize sales and marketing. And, you know, you've got to be able to create demand for your product, not just make a good product. You know, your product may taste fantastic if it is a product or you may deliver an awesome service, but the end of the day do people know about it? Who is actually taking responsibility to drive demand in your business? So you know, from a b2c or business to consumer perspective, I guess b2b and b2c are morphed a lot these days particularly with e commerce, but if I just keep it separate for the moment, you know, your business to consumer proposition is how are you driving awareness, interest, desire and ultimately ensuring that people buy your stuff? Taking action. Is that on your social media, you know, is it on your website? And then if you're b2b, and you're dealing with larger accounts, and you know, you're a CPG brand, and you're knocking on the door of grocers, then who's doing that? And that's what the activate stage is all about, because I see many forlorn foodprenuers, not making sales, but they don't have the systems in place. And unfortunately, often not the mindset, even that they've even considered, well, how am I actually pushing people through the buyers journey? You know, how are they finding out about me, and then moving through to actually being able to buy me? Who's responsible for that? And that's why I love my function eight with the business building blocks, because you get to see Well, yeah, okay, I'm really great at product development. But how am I generating sales? And, you know, with activate, it's around sales channels strategy, regardless of whether or not your direct to consumer or you're selling through a wholesaler, or using a sales agent, etc, etc.

Sari 16:24
That's great. Do you find that, I mean, systems are awesome, and they really help but do you find you do a lot of work with kind of money mindset and helping women to see that it's okay to to accept other people's money and, and kind of building that you do need a business that that does have profit?

Chelsea Ford 16:48
Yeah, look, we you? I do. And I, I guess I work less with that today now that Foodprenuers Formulas, works predominantly with more established businesses. But for all of us, the mindset piece is integral to so much of our business life. You know, we are our business were the ones that are driving everything, most of the time in solo food and drink lands. So I do. I do and I that's why systems again, that they sound really dry but they really help with the mindset stuff, too. Because I, I had a brilliant discussion with a heap of food producers the other day about when somebody complains about your product. And one of the aspects I was saying to them is write the system for handling complaints when you're emotionally sober, I like to say so you're not triggered. And I guess that's not really answering your question around money. But yeah, money again, the system, if you have your financial reports, and you're clear on the revenue streams, or maybe just have one revenue stream, it may just be the farmers markets, or it may be a mix of both, you know, I mostly work with people who have a mix of both. They have revenue coming in direct to consumer with their online store, and farmers markets, and they're in some specialty grocery stores. High Street retailers, depending on what country you're in, I guess. Language. Yeah, and then you know, you know, your costs. So then your familiar with whether you're in profit, or loss, and I just find having those systems in place and having clarity does help with the money mindset. And just starting, you know, just take that first step off the block, because most foodprenuers say to me, one of the biggest, I guess, issues they're confronted by is, quote, I hate the numbers. And I get it. You know, it's kind of diametrically opposed on some levels, to that pure creative space that so many love. And that's why I think if you just follow the formula, it's a bit of a no brainer.

Sari 19:18
Yeah, that's so true. I mean, it definitely when you have systems and like you said, you're just running the numbers we can, we can look at money and create all this drama around it, or your complaints or whatever it is. Or we can have systems in place, and then it takes the drama out and it's just just a number, and we're just working with facts and figures and math.

Chelsea Ford 19:40
Yeah. And you know, one of the things too, that I think is helpful is having a practice. You know, whether you're you have a mindset practice or you just have a financial practice in your business where one day or one hour, a week or a month. You're looking at that task. And I think there's a lot of empowerment that comes with that clarity. And also, this is gonna sound a bit spooky really sorry, but but

Sari 20:14
We jive on that so.

Chelsea Ford 20:17
Is that okay?

Sari 20:18

Chelsea Ford 20:19
Think and they, you know, sometimes having a tally man. And I know that sounds really kooky. But if your continually tripping over something in your business, whether it is the numbers or something else, and there is that, you know, nasty voice on your shoulder, you know, your super ego saying to you, you can't, you shouldn't, you know, whatever negative message. Some for some people, I think, having a distract distraction, whether it be something that they carry in their pocket or a post it note on their notice board or a notice that comes up on their digital calendar that just reminds them not not, that's that super ego talking that's telling you not to do it, when really it's not true. It's not true. So I do think business is a mix of practicalities and systems as well as as mindset.

Sari 21:13
That's great. Love it. So in the activate stage, you talked about, you've told me about a customer attraction model. Is that, did you already touch on that? Or is that? Do you want to talk about that a little bit more?

Chelsea Ford 21:30
Yeah, sure. I alluded to it without giving it that title. But so it's great that you're asked. Thank you. You know, customer attraction model is the marketing funnel of an acronym Aida, which is not something that I created. It's, it's it's quite foundational, and been around for a while, but I do like to talk about it. And that stands for awareness, interest, desire, and action. And it is effectively stages of the marketing funnel, and you moving you the food printer, moving your consumer through that funnel. So how, at the very top of the funnel, where you want, as many people going in as possible, are you driving awareness? So that's generally around, you know, maybe advertising, maybe promotions. It's at that stage that you want people to fall in love with your brand. And then like any funnel, as you move people through it, people drop off. Unfortunately, I wish it was more like a cylinder, where the amount of people that went in on the top came out at the bottom and have purchased your product, but it's not reality. And so once they have an awareness around your product, how are you generating interest and building them up so that they become more interested and desiring of your product, and that may be through educational content, like recipes. And that's what's so great for CPG brands. And I often say this to people who make ingredients. So I have a client who makes flavored salts. So people don't eat salt most of the time, by themselves by itself. So I say to her, you know, you need to create a use for that salt, of which there's plenty, and show people how your product can be used, and the benefits of that product in recipes, etc. And she specializes in fodmaps are people with no particular health requirements. So that's another aspect of creating interest and desire for her, she educates them on how her product benefits people with the particular health issues associated with fodmap. And to the point where you know, then you want them ultimately to take action, which is buy your stuff. And that may be been easy to deal with on your e commerce site, providing case studies to see how other people have done it and giving discount codes if that makes sense for your brand. You know, maybe value added staff. So buy this and you also get that. That's the customer attraction model. A.I.D.A.- awareness, interest, desire and action. And that's one of the things that I'm I love because it's fairly simple. And it's for me again, it's formulaic. And it won't necessarily turn someone into from a from you know, someone on the street to a customer in one day, but it will over time if you're consistent. Does that makes sense?

Sari 24:52
Yeah, no, that makes so much sense. And I actually just had an aha and I'll see if I can get it out. So it makes sense. In my brain. So I'm sure you and I both have this tricky thing where we're always trying to get people to narrow down their target customer and really understand, like, speak directly to one person and a customer avatar and understand who their customer is. And I just my aha is that when people say, but I, everybody loves my product. When you go into the awareness stage, you end up trying to attract everybody. But the point of a funnel is that you do weed people out. And you're actually going to be spending way more energy trying to get everybody in versus if you can be more, if you really know who your customer is up front, then that funnel might actually be a little, little bit more cylinder shaped. What do you think of that? Did I?

Unknown Speaker 25:53
You absolutely did. And it's so great to hear you talk about customer avatar, in fact, you know, I coached on in a big way yesterday. That is definitely the precursor to Aida, you're absolutely right, Sari. And I'm so pleased that you brought it up because foodprenuers do often say to me, Well, I'm not doing anything, kind of so exclusive, that it couldn't be relevant to everybody. But there's a number of issues with that when you are trying to, if you stand for nothing, you fall for everything, I like to say. And in fact, it's so powerful if you do repel people, so long as you are attracting people. And that's what I love about that salt client of mine, because she is specifically honing in her niche, she's so specific, around fodmap. And yesterday I was teaching my members a model. And it's simply this: people move away from pain and towards their aspirations. So for her, she targets people with irritable bowel. And so there's a lot of embarrassing situations apparently, for people that suffer with fodmap. And so that's a pain point that she, I'm encouraging her to really write into her customer avatar. And of course, for people who don't know about avatars, it's the personification of your ideal customer. So the aspiration that the person living with irritable bowel would have is that they can be in social situations without, with confidence, knowing there'll be no kind of physical mishaps. Apparently, this is quite an issue. I don't know personally, so I'm just going on what Julie, my client tells me, but that is the bottom line. You know, if you were to look at it on face value, every single person could use salt. But that's not where her expertise is, because we've got to solve people's problems and be relevant. And unless you're, you know, not even Coca Cola, really tries to appeal to absolutely everybody with their Coca Cola brand. It's why they buy water companies or energy, energy drink companies or coffee companies, because they're trying to build their revenue up continually. And they know not everybody, and in fact, probably diminishing returns, people not do not everybody buys Coca Cola for me, I don't buy Coca Cola, but I would buy possibly their water or the Coffee Company that they buy. They're bought. So you yeah, hopefully that does add to what you were saying around customer avatar and being so niche, you know, we just don't have the resources to be something to everybody. And frankly, I think when you when you have a brand that speaks to your target audience, then people's affinity and relationship with you as a brand, a CPG brand is extraordinary.

Sari 29:22
Yeah, that that loyalty factor, the raving fans, right? That's what we want.

Chelsea Ford 29:28
Yeah. And I know the relationships that I have with particular brands, I feel like they get me. You know, I went back when I was an American and you know, your old one of your old employers, you know, Whole Foods. I used to feel like Whole Foods really got me. You know, they were producing products, supporting artisans and the way that they're marketed back when I was living in the US really spoke to me and I felt like was just made for me. I mean, if as a CPG brand owner, if you can get that relationship with your consumer, they'll just take so much ownership of it and be a return customer. And of course, it's about 25 times less to keep a customer than it is to win a new one. So yeah, that's the value of a customer avatar and doing it really well.

Sari 30:26
So it to me, when I look at commercialization and activate, those, to me seem like the, the hardest parts like where you're really you're, you're grinding it out, you're putting in the work during these stages for sure, as the business owner. So let's talk about breakthrough. I, even the word feels exciting, and probably a little, I take a breath. So let's talk about accelerating momentum and freeing up time, the breakthrough stage. Tell us more about this stage.

Chelsea Ford 31:04
Interestingly, at this stage, it's about setting goals for scale. And scale is when your, your capacity to produce more without necessarily adding in more resources, time and money happens. And so I've breakthrough has been written to bed down your systems, here we go talking about systems again. But equally, focusing on that next stage of scale with incredible goal setting. And I also embed good business practice around data at this stage, and I have this wonderful, in my opinion, I like it, because it makes it so bloody simple and that is the a data wallpaper. And I encourage all of your podcast subscribers to think about what data do they measure? Because what measure matters? That is so trite, I know but it's so true as well, you know, if you're looking at Instagram followers, which I don't necessarily advocate for, but for example, or if you're looking at your food costs, or the amount of hours that if you measuring the amount of hours you're working on your business rather than in it, well, that's data that matters. And that's how you're going to get to the scale stage. So breakthrough is preparing you with absolute business rigor to be, you know, I think at this stage, the founder should become less integral or integral to the systems. Because if you're got your hands on absolutely everything, if you're still sterilizing the jars, and chopping the carrots, and sending out the invoicing and making the sales calls, and everything in between, you probably won't be able to scale. You have to be in your zone of genius, and get support. And that's what breakthrough is about. It's about building systems to bring in other people or robots. You know, I'm a really big fan of TEMI. T-E-M-I. Temi is a robot 25 cents a minute, she transcribes audio, I use it in my business for repurposing content, you know, like even even say this recording, for instance, sorry, if we uploaded it to Timmy, for instance, then we've got a written transcript. And, you know, foodprenuers who are listening, if that if it was something like that for them, then they could, you know, put it on their blog posts or their social media, or in their newsletters, for example. So Temi costs me so little. And it's not a person I have to engage. It's just a robot that does a part of my business that I would have had to do otherwise. So the breakthrough is to give you the foodprenuer more time back so you can work on how you're going to go to that next level. And I'm passionate about women thinking bigger. So they are building and reinvesting in their business to pay themselves a great wage. And this is where the rubber hits the road for that.

Sari 34:35
Yeah, that is I mean, that is what every foodprenuer is, is working towards. I think most of them want to eventually get to that stage to breakthrough and I'm sure people listening now are like, yeah, that's that's why I'm staying up till 1am putting labels on my jar to go to the farmers market tomorrow. It's to eventually get to that breakthrough stage, and yeah, you can't be doing all the things in your business. This is definitely the time when you need to start finding. systems for sure. That's a theme in this, this interview for sure. But also people who can help you so that you know, I think we're, I see so many entrepreneurs been so reluctant to hand off things because they not because maybe they don't trust trust the other person or even that they don't want to pay the money. But they say, well, it's just easier for me to do it myself, right? I mean, I say that a lot. I've said that a lot. And every time I can let something, go and pay somebody, you know, to help me with my social media, or help me with my website. If you think about it, if I can be out doing something other something else in my business that's profit driven, and I can make more money per hour than I'm paying for something I could do, it's going to benefit my business so much, because it may not be exactly the way I would do it. And yes, I could do it. But is that really the best place for me to be spending my time. So as soon as we can start coming into this area where we can free up some of our resources, its fantastic.

Unknown Speaker 36:23
Yeah, and it can be really simple stuff. I have a curry paste maker who was very concerned about sharing her grandmother's recipe with anybody else in the business, but she was so fatigued, making everything. Plus she had eight retailers, stockists, plus, she's a mom of three children. So she was conflicted. How can I make my product, sell my product, invoice my product, be a great partner, be a fantastic mother and grow my business and not share my grandmother's recipe? So I just got to start small, you know, there's people now sterilizing the jars that don't need to know the recipe to sterilize the jobs. But that's just one element, you know, in the cooking process, that it's the sterilizing, and also the cleaning. So I'm

Sari 37:33
Putting the labels on things like that.

Unknown Speaker 37:36
That's right. Yeah, look, I have another member, they make cake. And they have this incredible buttercream. And they never wanted people to know the recipe of the buttercream. And so they outsource the manufacturer of the cake under license, but they actually go in and make the buttercream themselves still. So I that's that I don't think that's tenable, necessarily ideal for them long term, but that way, they have kept the special buttercream recipe, but the cake recipe has been shared. All be it with a nondisclosure agreement, etc. So I think it is about breaking up parts of your process if you are concerned about sharing elements of it.

Sari 38:29
Yeah, there's always workarounds for those kind of things when those come up, but it could be in any area of I mean, like all of the the eight categories. I'm sure that there's places where you can start finding opportunities to, to find some some help, whether it be automated or through human capital, to help you in those areas of your business and, and start. Because that's I think most people do get into entrepreneurship because they do see it as that eventually they can free up their time and set their schedule and, and have more free time. But it doesn't happen in the first year. Usually.

Chelsea Ford 39:14
No, it doesn't generally happen unless you've got very deep pockets and most don't. And yeah, yeah, it is a stage process.

Sari 39:28
You must see some really cool brands and women come through your program. I just I can't It's so fun to watch. I'm sure you see the same thing watching businesses come to life and and entrepreneurs grow into being a boss and being an entrepreneur. I'm sure you have so many great stories.

Chelsea Ford 39:50
Ah, it absolutely melts my heart to see the growth. You know, like the chrysalis of the caterpillar to the butterfly. I have a kombucha abroad right now who's moving into her fifth year of business, she's been with me from the get go. And she's scaled up to a commercial premise and taking on a new sales channel, and doing so well, and it blows my mind. And in fact, she's been quite conservative in her growth, quite deliberately. And what I mean by that is, she chose to only be in a particular geographical area. So she limited her growth quite strategically so that she could master her craft of kombucha brewing. And by the way, she had never been in food or beverage before she had an admin career in the local council. So, but within the first 36 months, she replaced her wage, and now, you know, is definitely at the breakthrough stage, and in fact, has been through my advanced coaching program for the next level. And, you know, it melts my heart to see how well she's doing and how joyous and the spring in her step. And yet yesterday, we were working on customer avatar stuff, and I she said, Chelsea five years into business, and I still learned more today about this pain points and aspirations. So so that's fantastic. I think we can always learn but they just knew different different problems one has in year five as opposed to year one or two, but

Sari 41:40
Absolutely. Always going to be problems just they just change. Over the years. This has been phenomenal. Really enjoyed this conversation. Where can people go to pick up this foodprenuer journey, roadmap, find you get to know your work and what you do?

Chelsea Ford 42:00
Thank you Sari. The best place is for the food printer journey is females in food.com. I love people to come and find me in my free Facebook group Kiosk for women in food and drink where we can have more of the conversation. Continue the conversation and and I help you out more in there. Yeah, so thanks. Sari.

Sari 42:23
Oh, you bet. I can definitely think of a number of people who have gone through food business success they've had their business, we've gotten them their product. They've gone through, we're commercializing now. And this, this is going to be so helpful. So I thank you for doing this service. And and I know we both get so much reward from helping out entrepreneurs and in the CPG world. So thank you for your time. And thank you for doing what you're doing.

Unknown Speaker 42:53
Thank you Sari, and for the invitation. I'm very grateful for you for the being invited.

Sari 42:59
Thanks, everyone for joining us for this conversation. I hope you found it really insightful and helpful. Go check out Chelsea's work. And until next time, have an amazing week.

Sari 43:17
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