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Full Transcript

Sari 0:04
I'm Sari Kimbell and I've done just about everything in the food industry. I have helped hundreds of packaged food business entrepreneurs and now I want to help you make your delicious dream a reality. Whether you want to be successful at farmer's markets, online, or wholesale on the store shelves, Food Business Success is your secret ingredient. I will show you how to avoid an expensive hobby and instead run a profitable food business. Now let's jump in!

Sari 0:37
Hey there, welcome back to the podcast. All right, it's finally here! Drumroll! The model. Today I am finally doing the podcasts that I've been promising on the full model. Now this might sound a little clinical, you might be like, what on earth is she talking about? But this is in my opinion, one of the most important episodes. This is something that has changed my life. It has changed the experience of my life and I am living a life bigger and better than I ever could have imagined. Feeling so much better. And so I want to give that gift to you. And I'm going to use it in the context mostly of business but know that you can use this with everything. It's called the model because it literally works everywhere, everywhere in your life. And I really honestly deep down believe that, I know that to be true in my life. And I know it to be so true for so many other people who have used a framework similar to this or used the model. So the model comes from The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo, I am a certified life coach through that school. But I first was turned on to it, I remember exactly where I was. One of those life moments where you're like, yep! I was driving to Boulder on, you know, I know exactly where I was on the highway. It was like 7am and Amy Porterfield was talking about this program and this kind of information, these new concepts by Brooke Castillo. So I immediately went and researched her, found her podcast. And really, truly, this changed my life. So I now am certified, I do a lot of life coaching work in my business coaching program and this is it! I'm super excited to change your life, I hope it does the same for you. Okay, so my goal today is to keep it short and sweet. I'm going to do my best to get right to the point.

Sari 2:58
The model is made up of five things. There are circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results. And basically this model, we are running many, many models in our brains every day. But this is what is ultimately determining the results we have in our life. So this is where it becomes so important because if you don't have the results that you want in your life, no matter what area of your life, there's a problem, there's a malfunction in the model. And the beauty of this is that we have the power to change it. And I think that's where the true magic of this came in. And I'll share a little bit of my own experience is that I realized it wasn't things happening outside of my control but that I was empowered to change it. So let me just run through each of these quickly.

Sari 3:59
Circumstances. These are the facts. These are things that we would all agree upon. They are outside of our control, often. They may be other people. They may be past experiences. It might be the weather, right? It could be something happening right now. But these are the concrete facts of the matter. Because oftentimes, when clients come to me and say, here's what's going on, my packaging is late, or there's a problem, or my social media isn't working, or the recipe isn't working, right? Whatever the problems are, a lot of times there's just a couple of facts and then there's all of the thoughts about it, right? Our interpretation of it. So it's really important that as we are looking at the different things that are happening in our life and where the biggest problems are coming from that we tease out what is fact, right? What is the truth that we all can agree on and then we start there.

Sari 5:13
Thoughts. Now get this, this is so crazy, we have like 40 to 60,000 thoughts running in the background in our brain, just running all the time. Most of them are unconscious, right? And you guys are probably similar to me that most of them are kind of negative and kind of terrible. Like we would never say some of these things out loud or to another person. We are a meaning making species. Here's a great example, probably where you are at because I feel like all over the country has been really windy lately. So it's been really windy in Colorado. So let's just take the wind, right? And we really have to get specific as a circumstance that it's like, the wind is blowing at X number of miles per hour. And even that, it's like saying it's windy out is kind of an interpretation cause some people might disagree that that is windy, right? Forty miles an hour wind, maybe some would say that's a light breeze. Or that's nothing. And some would say that's like, really, really windy. But in any case, the way that we make meaning from it is that if you take your dog outside, for instance, we have a pet. They go outside and they don't make them wind mean anything about them or their life. And yet, I watched this past weekend, I went up and visited my family and I noticed that members of my family were like, oh, I'm so grouchy, this wind just like ruins my whole day. And I'm so anxious because of the wind, right? Like they had all these thoughts and they were making the wind mean something. And I'm not saying that this is bad or good, I really have no judgment about it. But this is what I mean when I say we are meaning making species, your dog, your cat, your snake, your rat, whatever it is, is not making it mean anything about themselves or their life or their predicament, right? We're like, oh, it's windy, somebody hates me out there! Today's going to be terrible. Your pet is not doing that. So oftentimes I asked my clients, what are you making this mean? Whatever the circumstance because oftentimes, we are making things that are completely neutral, right? The amount of money that you have in your bank account is completely neutral. Because some people would say that's a lot of money. And some people would say that's no money. How can you live on that? But you have all these thoughts about it, right? And you may think that it's a lot or a little. You may think it, you may make it mean that you can never figure it out and you're a big loser. Or you might think, wow, I'm so successful. All problems come from our thoughts. They don't come from the circumstance. And that's really truly what blew my mind that like changed everything for me. If you are living a life that you don't want to, it is not the circumstance's fault, right? It is our thoughts about it. I'm going to get more into that because you might be like my brain is breaking a little bit.

Sari 8:48
All right, let's move on to feelings just at a high level. So what is a feeling? A feeling is simply an emotion, you might say. Well what's an emotion? An emotion or a feeling is a vibration in our body. We experience in our body. The thoughts we think create an emotion. And I want to clarify that it's not the same as a physical or involuntary sensation. So an emotion is not the same as somebody kicking you in the leg or you stubbing your toe, right? That is a physical sensation through pain or hunger or thirst, right? Something like that. And the thing is, emotions are harmless. Feelings are harmless. And yet we spend most of our lives trying to avoid a negative feeling. I know this to be true because I watch my clients and members avoid approaching a buyer, avoid posting on social media, avoid doing the thing that they need to do to grow their business because they are so worried about the feeling of rejection, or the feeling of being uncomfortable, or the feeling of doing something new. But if you think about it, you can bring up sadness in your body right now. You could bring up excited in your body. How does excitement feel? It might be a little vibration in your stomach area, right? We call it the butterflies or nervous energy. So it might be like kind of vibrating and energetic in your stomach area. What does anxiety feel like? Some of you is like, oh my God, I don't want to go to anxiety. Well most of you are probably feeling anxious right now anyways, so welcome to entrepreneurship to calm an emotion. But can you identify what anxiety feels like in your body? For me, it's like I usually get kind of a tightness in the chest and in my throat. It can feel tight. It's like very constricting and heavy. Sometimes I will get like almost like a headachy feeling in my temples, sometimes like embarrassment, right? We get flush, we get hot. So if you think that, if you think about it that we can call up these emotions on a whim and then we can end them on a whim, it really proves this model true that it's with our thoughts. Does that make sense? Is that? Because if we can, we usually to bring up anxiety, we think about something that makes us anxious, right? We have thoughts about a circumstance that we interpret it as anxiety provoking, and so we start feeling anxious. And the beauty is that we can turn it on and off. We can change it. Brene Brown had a quote in her Atlas of the Heart book, and I think she was quoting somebody else. So forgive me for not picking up the direct quote. But essentially it was, we think we are thinking beings who feel sometimes but actually we are feeling beings who sometimes think. So I want to offer that the quality of our life is based on the quality of our emotions. And you know that's true if you are in suffering. If 70%, 80%, I mean, anything more than 50% of your day is spent in a negative emotion, you know that this is not a high quality of life. I've been there, my friends. I've been on the kitchen floor with panic attacks, I've been in depression. I've been there with you and I have suffered, I have created my own suffering. And like I said, this was the big aha is that I thought my feelings were coming from my circumstance, right? That this thing was happening outside of me. You know, one of the examples I've used with you guys before is getting the cease and desist letter for my my company name. Getting that letter was a pure circumstance, it was words on a piece of paper. And then I made it mean all of these terrible things about me and my business, and I was never going to succeed, and only losers do this. And who do I think I am? And this is never going to work, right? I made it mean all of these terrible things. And the longer I've been in business now, I mean that was five-six years ago, I actually realized now that there are people in this world who get cease and desist letters all the time and they don't make it mean anything about them. What! That's so crazy, right? But it's true. And so I was learning through the model that I was in control. I had the power to feel certain ways about my life and to experience my life in a new way, to experience new emotions that created a better quality of life. Because a customer's going to leave great reviews and then there may be a customer that leaves a terrible review. Now first of all, you could get 10 great reviews and you get one negative one, and you're only going to focus on the negative one. And then you're going to make it mean all these things about you and your business, right? But they are literally just words on a paper. And we don't need to necessarily derive our happiness from those words. And we don't need to derive our anxiety and our confusion or doubt, or fraud, or any of those other emotions that come up, right, from the negative, we choose that. A buyer says yes, so you're excited and you're hopeful. A buyer says no, and now you're rejected and you want to give up. But the thing is, is that in either case, it all is coming from our thoughts about it and we get to choose. We get to choose what we make it mean. It is the best news I can give you. Honestly, that is why I'm here doing what I do. That is why I'm a coach. That is why I help people just happens to be that I'm really good at the food industry and know this now, after years of being in it, this is just a vehicle for helping people create a better life to feel better. Because I know how terrible I felt in my own life. And what a miserable existence I lived where I hated my life, I hated myself, I hated everything around me, and it was terrible. And if I can give the gift to just one of you to get out of that and to feel better, that is my purpose. All right, I get all emotional. Because it was bad. It was really bad, my friends.

Sari 16:56
Okay, so the next two pieces of the model are circumstance, we have a thought about that circumstance, we create a feeling from that thought. And then there is a behavior, there's an action that comes from that feeling. Our feelings generate our actions and in Episode 42, I talk a lot about the feelings that you want to have to generate the action that is necessary in your business. But just think about it, right? So a customer gives you a bad review online and then you make it mean all of these terrible things about you. Your thought is, I'm never going to make this work. People hate it. Some thought like that, right? And then your feeling is maybe defeated and so your action is probably going to be more inaction. It's going to be, well why even bother? I'm not even going to try, right? Or you just talk about it with everybody. Or you're going to shame, right? And you just like withdraw. And so then you can see, so that's the action or inaction, right? Or you might act out, you might get kind of cranky with other people, you don't tell anybody what's going on and then you're snapping at people. So we're always, there's always going to be an action or an inaction as a result of our feeling. But you can have a totally different thought about a negative review that creates a different feeling and action, right? You could have a thought that says, oh, that's interesting, what can I learn from this? I'm going to figure it out. And then you're going to be like, the feeling will be more like determined or committed, and then your action might be to write them back and say, help me understand what happened, I want to make it right. You're going to go and fix things. You're going to go and work on other parts of your business, right? Because you're not going to make it mean all these things that you should quit and give up. So there's always going to be a behavior reaction or inaction that come from our feelings. And it's important to note that we don't necessarily always need super positive emotions to create productive action.

Sari 19:22
It can come from a feeling like committed or determined or motivated, right? Grit. Those are kind of a little edgier emotions. Those aren't necessarily like super positive, amazing, but they're like, a little more slightly on the negative side, right? So don't feel like you always have to be like daisies and rainbows. In fact, I don't necessarily recommend that. I don't think you're going to do always the best thing for your business. It's more about consistency and showing up over time. And you might need to like dig in a little and harness some of those deeper, little greedier emotions. So ultimately, this whole cycle, this whole model, creates a result. So a result from a negative review could be run through that negative model, right? Negative review, I should just give up, you have a feeling of defeat, and then you go to inaction where you don't do anything. And then your result just proves the thought true. I should give up, right? Because if you stick with that model then your result will be giving up. Versus I can learn something from this. I'm going to figure it out, leads to a feeling of determined, which leads to some specific actions that are actually productive. And then guess what? You are figuring it out and you're learning from it. So you're proving that thought true. And the craziest thing is that our brains just want to be right. Do you know people who are just always kind of negative and drama, and it's like whatever they think, they're proving it true. So they think the world is a terrible place, they're always finding evidence that it is a terrible place. And then you can have people who like have very similar circumstances and they have very different results. They believe the world is a great place, is a good place. And that's where this model is so so powerful because we're always trying to prove that thought correct. Because we want to be right, our brains just want to be right, then it is our responsibility as an entrepreneur to manage our thoughts. That is the only thing we can control, right? That's it! We have a responsibility and it's even more so. I mean, as a human, yes. And as an entrepreneur, if you really want to be successful, you have to manage your brain. It is like a toddler running around with a knife with all 60,000 thoughts, most of them negative, running around, running amok inside your brain. You have to take control over it, you have to manage it, you have to harness it, you have to guide it, right? We take the knife away from the toddler. And we don't have to go to daisies and rainbows. This is why affirmations do not work. We cannot go from I'm a loser, I'm never going to figure this out to I'm amazing and I always get it right. Absolutely not. We have to find something that feels believable and that's more neutral but it has to be believable. So instead of I'm a loser and I'm never gonna figure this out, sometimes I figure things out.

Sari 23:18
At times, I am a winner. I do win sometimes, right? That feels more true. And then we just have to keep layering on top of that and we call it a ladder. So we need to ladder our thoughts up to something because it has to be believable. So the big ones that my clients present me with all the time are time, money, social media, and tech, right? So we can't go from I am terrible with money, or I'm terrible with social media, or I'm terrible with technology. To I'm amazing, I'm a rock star, I got this totally figured out! It's not believable and it won't stick. Our results won't change when we're just trying to think those thoughts all the time. But if we can, we have a circumstance that comes up so social media, let's say, you know, Sari's telling you, you got to do reels. So the circumstance is reels, right? Reels exist, you should be doing them. Somebody says you should be doing them. And then you have a thought of I'm terrible with social media, or I hate reels or I hate being on camera. We can't go to I'm amazing at this, right? It's too big of a leap. But if we can stop and say instead of I hate this or I'm terrible at it, we say I'm willing to try. I can figure it out. Sometimes I'm good at this, I have evidence where I have learned new things in the past, right? We have to manage our brains. The next step that I can offer you is just to take this in, you might want to listen to it again. And then I just want you to start observing yourself, be like a scientist, and you're gonna put on that lab coat, you're gonna be like, I'm just gonna watch my brain a little, there's going to be a circumstance that comes up, and I'm gonna step back, the best way you can do this is to write about it, we call them thought downloads, but something happens, right? You get an email from your packaging that it's out of stock or, you know, or bad review or, like on and on and on, right, so many things. Or you have like a jam packed schedule and your kid's school is calling you and you had other things planned. So you're gonna have all these thoughts about it. So just try to observe that there is a circumstance and then what are your thoughts about it? We're just trying to create awareness right now first, then you're going to start to catch yourself, and you'll usually catch yourself after the fact. But you'll be like, oh, and all we're doing is trying to catch ourselves earlier, and earlier, and earlier. We'll be like, ooh, that's not a great thought, like that doesn't really serve me to just be like, I'm terrible with technology instead catching ourselves to say, oh, wait, I can figure this out. There have been times when I can figure out technology, right? Like we're gonna want to catch ourselves and just offer a little bit better of a thought that helps us feel a little bit lighter. Because do you feel in your body when you say, I'm terrible, I can't ever figure this out? It feels defeated, I like immediately, like my shoulders slumped down a little bit, and I get a little heavy in my chest versus I can figure this out, I'm gonna be open to learning, or I'm curious how I'm going to figure this out, right? It feels a little more open, a little more expansive. And so you're gonna keep catching yourself and eventually, you do this enough, you're gonna catch yourself in the middle of it. And then the real superpower is when you can catch yourself before where you can start planning ahead, and you kind of do these, well if the packaging runs out, here's what I'm gonna do, here's how I'm going to think about it, right? And you start to anticipate things. You're going to a family event, you can anticipate what's going to happen, right? The people that are there, it shouldn't be a shock to you that when they say things that they say, right? So we can actually kind of get ahead of it, which is really the next superpower.

Sari 28:05
I'm gonna leave you with this. Because this, I just want you to marinate in this. You can put any thing you want in the result line. Anything. Put a million dollars in there, put 100 wholesale accounts, put farmers market business, right? Anything you want. And I'm using business examples but you can use relationship, you can use kids, you can, it doesn't matter, you can put anything you want in the R line. And the beauty of the model is that it works both ways. So circumstances happen to us outside of our control, gas prices going up, right? That's a circumstance. Gas prices are, you know, X number of dollars where you live. And then we can run through a whole model. Or we can say, result 100k a year in my business and sales. And then we run up the model and we say okay, what's the action? What are the actions and behaviors that I need to take to create 100k in sales in my business? There's probably going to be some skill sets, there's probably going to be some actions sets, right? There might be some mindset things. There's going to be things around discipline, around CEO mindset, like we talked about last week with Andra. There's going to be a lot of actions that need to happen in the R-line. But when we think about all those actions, and you're not going to know all of them right away, but you know what some of them are. Maybe you just need a product first, let's start there, right? It could be learning social media, it could be I gotta go get, you know, go talk to 100 buyers. Could be I need to go hire somebody to help me get on Amazon, or work with somebody for my branding and my marketing strategy in my website, whatever it is, there's lots of actions that need to happen. And then think about what your feeling is that will drive that action, right? It's not going to be doubt, it's not going to be confusion, it's not going to be overwhelmed. It's going to be feelings like, determine, committed, motivated, right? There are things that we're going to really hold tight to those feelings, those kind of gritty feelings. Because even when it doesn't feel good, even when we're not feeling inspired and motivated, we're still going to do them anyway. So what feeling do you need to have and then what thought will create that feeling in you? It's probably going to be a thought like, I can figure this out, right? Something like that. That's like, I'm all in. I never give up. I want to leave it there because I want you to just marinate on that a little bit that you can put anything you want in the R-line.

Sari 31:27
If you want help with this, that's what I do in business coaching with my clients. That's what I do inside Food Business Success. We put whatever you want on the R-line. And then we work together to work back up the model. What are the actions? What are the feelings? What are the thoughts? If you want to know how an entrepreneur creates a successful business, I just gave you the secret recipe. This is the formula. The Model is the formula to use for your success. It works. I want to remind you that the Food Business Idea Activator is an option for you if you're trying to answer that question of: is this a good idea and will it work, right? When you're evaluating, when you're thinking about starting a packaged food business. So I will put all the links for all of these ways to work with me in the show notes. Thank you for joining me on this episode about the model. I would love to hear as you start applying this, how it changes your life. Because I know that has changed thousands upon thousands of thousands of people, including my own. All right, get out there and start observing your thoughts and have an amazing week.

Sari 32:56
Are you ready to start that delicious idea that you make in your home kitchen or grow your existing packaged food business and take it to the next level? The most successful food business entrepreneurs have support, guidance, focus and accountability to help them make it happen quickly without wasting time or money. Plus, I think starting your packaged food business should actually be fun. Food Business Success is your secret ingredient to creating your food business dream. Please don't go this alone. Check out the private free Food Business Success Facebook group to connect with other foodpreneurs. Get your questions answered quickly. Share your wins and receive special training and tools I only share inside the private community. Just search for Food Business Success on Facebook, or get the link in the show notes. Curious about how Food Business Success can help you? Head over to foodbizsuccess.com and fill out the application to see if you're a great fit for the program. Together let's make your food business dream a reality.



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