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Full Transcript


Welcome to your Food Business Success. This podcast is for early stage entrepreneurs in the packaged food industry ready to finally turn that delicious idea into reality. I'm your host Sari Kimbell. I have guided hundreds of food brand founders to success as an industry expert and business coach, and it's got to be fun. In this podcast, I share with you mindset tools to become a true entrepreneur and run your business like a boss, interviews with industry experts to help you understand the business you are actually in, and food founder journey so you can learn what worked and didn't work and not feel so alone in your own journey. Now, let's jump in. Welcome back to the podcast everyone. Super excited to bring on a repeat guest, Dr. Lee Coles. Welcome, Lee.

Hi, Sari. Good to be back here.

That's so fun to have you back. So let me give you a quick, let's give listeners a quick who you are. So Lee Coles is a potentialist. I love that word. She blends principles of science, strategy, and coaching to help people identify and maximize their strengths and achieve their goals. Lee is an industrial organizational psychologist, Career Strategist, life coach and Gallup certified Clifton Strengths coach. Her podcast Career Sequel was recently named one of the top career podcasts of 2023. Just so fun. And Lee is a firm believer that we each harbor a trove of unique talents waiting to be unlocked. I love your new bio.

Let's unlock this.

Let's do it. So you were on, I have to reference the number, have to look it up. But we'll find the episode you were on. And and we were talking more about LinkedIn and some other things around your business. But today, I wanted to have you on so we could talk more about Clifton Strengths and all about that. So tell us more about what this whole assessment is. Is it a personality quiz? What do we do with it? Just give us the lowdown on this.

Okay. No, it's not a personality quiz. It is based off of the Clifton Strengths Assessment. And just to give you a little bit of background on that, as a psychologist, I really like things that are grounded in research. So I think so many personality quizzes, they can be fun. But it should just be that, used as entertainment. But the Clifton Strengths is an assessment tool that's grounded in over 50 years of research from the psychologists. We'll start it off the psychologist Donald Clifton. And he was really interested in seeing what made things do well, like what what promoted excellence. So much research, focuses on things that go wrong. And Donald Clifton said, like, what would happen if we studied what happens when things go right? And he came up with what is now the Clifton Strengths Assessment. I mean, this is after years and years, decades and decades of research. There's now the Clifton Strengths Assessment. And what it does is it breaks down, there are 34 different pathways to excellence like basically ways that our brain naturally, our go to for our brain in terms of trying to get something done, trying to achieve a goal. What is our technique? What's our strategy for achieving excellence?

I love that, like you said, so many things, focus on our weaknesses and improving our weaknesses. And this is different than that.

It is. Gallup, which is the organization that owns Clifton Strengths, they define strengths as those activities that can be carried out with consistent near perfect performance. So they're derived from your innate abilities, your talents, so what you do well naturally, without even thinking about it. So like you said, you know, so many so often, we're so concerned about our weaknesses, and we are really aware of our own weaknesses. You know, if you if you ask anybody, you know, what are you not good at? Oh, my gosh, you know, we could all list out a huge list. But when you ask someone, what are you good at? There's a little bit of a pause there, you know, sometimes it's really hard to articulate what we're good at. And part of it is just that. Really, the thing that we're really good at, they come naturally to us. And we may not even give ourselves credit for being good at starting.

It's easy to just be like, well, what what are you talking about? That's just easy for me. We forget that it's not easy for everyone else.

Exactly. Exactly.

I love that. So I love it's grounded in research, that Gallup uses this. And obviously, there's a lot of research and years and years of looking at this. And we'll get into Fuel members, because we actually did this inside Fuel for November. But I think it's so interesting. I think you were saying something like, the way that the orders go? What was that that you told us about? It's so unlikely, it'll be the exact same as anybody.

Yeah. Okay. So, first of all, it measures 34 different talent themes, like I've said, and it's very personalized. So there is a one in 33 million chance that you and someone else will have the same top five strengths in the same order, which is just crazy. So this is, so as of now, nearly 29 million people from all across the globe have taken the Clifton Strengths Assessment. And more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Clifton Strengths to develop their company culture. And then just to throw out some stats, because I love this stuff. Research reveals that people who focus on their strengths are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, they are more likely to achieve their goals, they experience less stress, act with more direction, they're more confident, they perform better. So the research is clear, there is this magic that happens when you not only know about your strengths, that's the first step. But then when you own them, and you actively use your strengths about

Love that. It's so easy as entrepreneurs to just, you know, we have to be self motivated, self driven. Because it's just us oftentimes, and people listening this podcast are usually solopreneurs, or maybe have a partner, but you, it's so easy to focus on everything you're doing wrong, how you're messing it up, and you're not good enough here, and you look on social media, or you look at other brands, and you're like, I'm not that and I'm behind and all the things but, you know, we know as certified life coaches as well that we can focus on the gap, right, where we're doing better, and how we're making progress and improvement versus, you know, and you're going to be more motivated, you're going to be more excited, have a better quality of life. Because hopefully, nobody's getting into business and being an entrepreneur to feel terrible all the time, probably not what we're going for. So I love that as well. We thought it would be fun to talk about my strengths first. And this will be a good example of like, how Lee does strengths coaching, which if you're curious, we'll talk about how you can work with her at the end. But let's talk about my strengths. Because people actually often ask me, like, we need more podcasts about you personally.

Oh my gosh, buckle up audience because you're going to learn all about Sari today. But I think and I'm excited for you all to listen to this too. Because, you know, Sari, you know, from her podcast. And so you're going to see some of this to see some of the strengths played out. And yeah, so the first step is just really, you know, you you take the Strengths Assessment, and then you receive your top five strengths. And sometimes people get worried they say, well, what about like, what about my strength number 34? Are you there 34 strength possible?

I know. That is exactly. It's like my weaknesses. Like right now, let's look at like, what are the major tools that you have in your toolbox? What is your go to in terms of how you go after, tackle your problems, like what do you do to achieve your goals? Like what's your special sauce? So we had so much fun talking about this in the Fuel group. And we will talk more about that later because the we did Sari you gifted the Fuel group with a Strengths Assessment too. And so I talked to them as a group about you know, the strengths that came up for the group to but everybody was super curious about the Sari's strengths. So let's kick it off with your first strengths. The first strength is activator. So people exceptionally talented in the activator theme can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. They want to do things now, rather than simply talk about them. Does that sound like you, Sari?

That's definitely one of those that I'm like, come on. Does this happen for everybody? Like, let's go, let's get into action. We don't need to think about it too much.

Yeah, exactly. Someone with, you know, with that activator strengths loves taking the initiative and instigating action. So you know, as which is so great to have as a coach, too, because, you know, so many people like, they may come to you Sari, I'm guessing they've been thinking about this idea. No, they created in their kitchen, and they just keep thinking about and thinking about it. And you're the one who says, let's get this on shelves, let's get this into other people's homes, like, what do we need to do? Let's do this. So that activator strengths. You're basically bring a catalystic sense of urgency to ideas, like let's make it happen, you create momentum. And someone, if you think about it, metaphorically, it's like, you're the one who gets out of the starting blocks the quickest. You know, everyone's lining up at this beginning of a race, not that food business is a race. It's not, okay, it's not, but you're the one who's like, let's go, let's go.

It's something that it's funny, you know, now that I know that about myself, but I've always been like, okay, anytime we have a coaching call in Fuel, or I do one on one coaching, that's what I want people to walk away with is like, what's my next action step? Because it's so easy to get into analysis paralysis, and worry about all the options. And I just need to wait until it's perfect. And, and we're iterating in thought, and it's like, there is a place for research, there's a place for getting the information. But until we get into action, until we start making moves, we're not really going to learn. Like that's where you learn, right? That's where all the juicy stuff is. It's like, oh, well, let me pivot here. And let me go here. And so yes, that is definitely one of my strengths to help people I work with to, like, what's the next thing you can do? And let's just keep keep taking action.

Exactly, exactly. Someone with that activator strength is going to say, okay, we're finished talking about this. Less discussion, more action. And you know, that you can learn by taking action. If you take action and it doesn't go well, then to an activator, you know, if someone with that activator strengths would say, okay, I just learned something else. And now when I take my next action, I'm going to be even more informed. So with that activator strength, it kills you to waste time. That sounds like you?

That is my biggest like, I see so much potential in people, amazing people I work with, and people come and inquire and I just see so much potential. And I'm like, just so it breaks my heart.

Well, so as a client, or as someone who has the perfect recipe. I'm just waiting. You and we want an activator in your corner. Someone who's going to say, I hear you, I hear your concerns. And let's go. Let's go.

One little action. Yeah. All right. What's the next one? ,

So the second one is responsibility. So people exceptionally talented in the responsibility theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They're committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.

Probably my biggest pet peeve when people do not follow through like personally like in my personal life when somebody says I'll be there this time and then there's no communication and those are my biggest.

Yeah, I was in this chair ready to start this podcast on time because I know you.

I use a lot of life coach tools to let things roll off my back. Used to bother me a lot more. But yes, I do. When I start working with a new client, when I work with members, it's like, I do, I have so much responsibility of like, I'm here to help you and I want to serve you and high integrity. Yeah, 100%.

Right. Right. So someone with that responsibilities strength. They are someone who others often trust to get things done. Okay? These people, people with the responsibility strength, they keep their promises, they follow through on their commitments. They're known for their dependable, and they're loyal.

I'm a Leo as well, so loyalty. Not that's rooted in science.

And I'm sure so many people in the audience like she's a Leo. Now I get it. Yeah. And also something that you said to you know, you said, oh, it's something I can't stand on people aren't this way. It's really, this is another thing that's really good to know about our strengths because when things come naturally to us, we feel like everybody, it comes back as should come naturally to everybody. And when people kind of act against these strengths, it is really annoying, and we don't understand it. We're like, hello, why? Why aren't you normal? You know, why don't you just do this? But that's one one thing, you know, I think is really important when you learn about your strengths is knowing oh, this is unique to me. And yeah, there may be other people out there with a responsibility strength, but like, this is like, part of like, this is stamped into me. So your third strength. Oh, and by the way, I just want to say, the top five strengths that Gallup does not. They don't tell you, you know, what is the difference between number one and number five? You know, and I find that the top five, I like to kind of take them all together, like they're out of 34. These were the five that rose to the top. So I don't believe that. Oh, my gosh, you know, this third strength is not as important as your first two. Your third strength is relator. So people exceptionally talented in the relator theme enjoy close relationships with others, they find deep satisfaction, and working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

That collaboration for sure.

And it's also, it's not just collaboration, it's close relationships to, you're someone who values being genuine and authentic. Like for you. Just having a friendship, that's kind of surfacey that that would not feel good to you. Many people just love having a bunch of like, lots of friendships that are just surfacey, but like fun or light, and for you, it's going to feel better, if they're deeper. Okay, so you really get to know you really like to know more about the people who are closest to you. You bring with you social depth, and transparency. And I think one thing I love about you, Sari, because you know, you've coached me before and but you're also my friend is just, you are, there's just the transparency, the honesty that you bring, like you will say the hard things, you're not afraid of that at all, which I love. I love that you just say it as it is. And I think as a client of yours, you're not going to be worried about hurting someone's feelings, you're going to say, hey, look like, this is what you need to do to accomplish this. What do you think, am I am I right?

Yeah, I mean, it's definitely been over the years trying to learn how to be like, you know, filter it with kindness, right? And not just being so as a coach, like, how do I say this kindly. I'm not trying to hurt people's feelings. And I think people do really appreciate that I'm willing to say the hard things and yeah, like, it's better that we have this conversation so that then we can move on and, you can make decisions and at least you know, right?

If you're working with someone, you're gonna, you're going to be frank with them, Be straight with them, and you're not going to let someone go off and meandering in the direction that you know, is not going to work for them.

And ultimately, you know, my clients they get to choose for themselves, but at least they I mean, they're not hiring me to be a yes person.

And I think that's something they get from your podcast too, because so what you show your personality and your podcast as well, so this is the real deal. Okay, your fourth strength is learner. People exceptionally talented in the learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of learning rather than the outcome excites them. What are your thoughts about?

Oh my gosh, yes, I'm annoyingly to some people. And actually, it's something as I didn't last even year. So I've purposely started to shut some things off and just be like, let me learn from my own brain. But I'm always like, an over consumer, right, podcasts and books and people like, how do you read so much? Because I listen to a lot of books, and I consume a lot of information. And yes, I do love learning, just for learning sake. And I do think all of those things make me a better person. I remember I dated a guy once who I was like, let's listen to a podcast in the car. And he was just like, no, that sounds terrible. I want to listen to music, I don't want to and I don't think we're going to be a good fit.

Yeah, growth mindset, always learning, wanting to talk about it with others. Yes, 100%, which, you know, and I think about being a great coach, like I can at least do a lot of the learning. And then what I tried to do is filter that information into how I think it can really help specific clients or my you know, the audience here on the podcast as a whole. Like, you know, I'll read a book and then try to take the top pieces from it and give it to the listeners, kind of thing. So hopefully, you get some of the benefits by learning it a shorter.

Yeah, as a podcast listener, you want your podcast host and creator to be a learner, right? To just be taking in all sorts of information that's curated for your interests. So and also, yeah, just expose you to new information, new experiences. And one thing, you know, one thing that a learner also knows is that they don't know everything, you know, that you all you know that there's always something else out there to learn, which is we'll just been when you're a podcast host, because you're like, I don't know about this area. Let me dive after that. And then and then you bring it back to your listeners.

I think that's a really good trait, just in general for especially for entrepreneurs is to be like, I'm at least, maybe you don't want to consume all the books and podcasts that I do. But hopefully you want to learn how to run a business, you want to learn. You know, I think the people who have the least amount of success are the ones that come in thinking they know everything right away. And how can you kind of set aside your ego a little bit and be like, I'm here to learn, I'm here to grow. This isn't about me knowing everything. It's about the learning that happens along the way.

Yeah, that's funny that you said that because one characteristics of someone with a learner's strength is they cannot stand. Because laying down for sure that know it all does not know all of these things, all these other things.

Yeah, that's probably one of my biggest pet peeves. And I usually know pretty quickly if it's not a good fit for especially as a one on one client, when someone on a call is like, I'll say something. And they'll say, oh, yeah, I know that. I know. I know. Like, why am I on those call? And I do recognize anything. Sometimes there's just a habit of it's not even, like, they're not even thinking about like they know, but it's just like, oh, yeah, I know. I know. I know. Like it's just a feedback. Like it just something that they're just saying to say. But yeah, it's definitely something that like gets under my skin.

Yeah, well, also some people I think they feel like they should project to the world. Or you know, or to their coach maybe that like that they know a lot. Yeah, it's but someone with a learner strengths knows that. It's okay. It's actually like a beautiful thing to not know everything and to get the opportunity to go out and find that information. Like that's actually good that you don't know anything because then you wouldn't be able to have all this fun learning.

I love it. So good. Okay.

Five is focus. People exceptionally talented in the focus theme can take a direction follow through and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. They prioritize, then act. Sound to you? You're laughing at yourself.

Oh my gosh, no, it's so good. I mean, I've always been a pretty like focused person. But even in the last couple years, I've gotten even better at it where, you know, people often tell me like, oh my gosh, how do you do all of this stuff, you know, the podcasts and YouTube channel and the social media, and then the membership and then the one on one coaching, and then oh, when we did so, and so's website, and it's, so a lot of is, is focus and like said prioritizing, and I'm really good at helping people prioritize. And I think that's one of the gifts that people get when they come into Fuel, or they work with me one on one is, they come in with a whole big list of like, all the things and helping them constrain, create, focus, and prioritize and say, all those things are valid. And here's the next three things. And there's so much relief. Like, okay, now I know what I need to work on. But yeah, and I can do that for myself, which I think now that I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, I realized that that is not just a natural thing for everybody.

No, it's not. And this is like you definitely want to work with a coach who has this, this focus strength will be your gift, you know, someone with that focus strength is intensely and intentionally single minded, they persevere until the goal is reached. And they bring clarity through concentration and direction, because I know that when, you know, if you're an entrepreneur, you're trying to bring your food idea, like into the marketplace. And there, your brain is going and running in so many directions. You know, there's so many different things that you know, you have to do. So to work with someone who says, okay, let's pick this, let's make this part happen. And just systematically one step at a time focus on the things that need to be done. It is a huge benefit to just have someone like that in your corner as your ally. Someone with that focus strength, there, they have a goal to establish priorities, and they begin with the end in mind. So often, too, as you are, as you're trying to, you know, you have like this amazing salsa that you want on the shelves. And it's maybe hard to imagine, like walking into a store and looking and seeing your salsa on the shelves, or like being able to have a business. But Sari, you know what it looks like, you know what the end result looks like. And you know, the steps that people need to take from idea to actually having the product out there available to the world.

Yeah, yeah, that is definitely one of you know, I did the 10x goal workshop recently. I do it in my reinvention coaching, which all came from doing it in Food Business coaching, because helping people see like, what is the end? Like what are we even trying to achieve here, instead of what happens, I think a lot of times with a lot of people is that they're, they kind of have a vague notion of where they want to go. And so but it's not very clear, it's put it into the GPS, right? And so then we're just like going off in a lot of different directions. We're tripping over things. And what about if is this? And how about I try that? I want to know that like, and there's no focus, there's no getting to the end. And clearly having a defined end goal, right, like, so that we can then work it backwards and make decisions and say, oh, this actually makes sense if that's my goal for me to do. And this doesn't, right and getting some things off of our plate. So help me with focus. But I have you know, especially in my reinvention coaching, like really helping people to see what's possible, the end in mind, and then work backwards.

Right. So one other thing I wanted to bring up was, you know, you have these top five strengths, right? But then it's also really interesting to see, you know, how do these top five strengths interact with each other, like, for instance, that learner strength. You know, sometimes people with the learner strength. So one of the problems that they can have is that they just keep learning. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. So if you're just learning and learning and learning, and then you don't get around to doing anything, but the fact that you have that learner strength and the activator string. So I just I want to read to you just a little descriptor of someone, you know, who has that combination that learner and the activator. And let me know if this sounds like you. In activities, I always get a quick start on the process in terms of the content. I'm a quick study. Okay. And then just if we take that activator since that was your number one, I just want to I just want to read like, you know, what is that activator and focus strength that we just talked about? What does that look like? When I pair my instigation with my concentration, I create a momentum that is always aimed at my goal. I feel like you? Okay.

Feel like you? Yeah. Okay, focus and saying no to things.

And then activator and responsibility, I often make a commitment before anyone asks for it. And I strive to honor my commitments as quickly as possible.

Yeah, I think, I think the doubt, you know, the shadow side, if you will have the responsibility and the activators. Like, you're always saying yes to things. And so that's been a lot of my work is, because it's easy to be like, well, nobody else is going to do it. I'll just do it. Right? That is so true. And I'm at a place probably in my life where I'm starting to pare things down. Yeah.

Be smarter.

Use my focus to say, where do I want to go? Does this make sense? I love it. So hopefully, that's kind of fun for people to see. And you can see, you know, if I was working with Lee, as my strengths coach, then we would be talking about ways to amplify the good parts and maybe see where there's places. But yeah, overhead is its ability.

Sari how does it feel to hear your strengths described this way?

Oh, it's great. I think anytime we can see like, oh, yeah, that's what makes me uniquely me. And I do have a lot to offer. And I think I feel very fortunate and blessed that I have found myself, I've created a job, a business, but I get to be in my strengths a lot, which is pretty awesome.

Does it feel like I'm reading like your mind at all? You're terrible a little bit.

So let's talk a little bit about a couple of the strengths that came up in the Fuel VIP call, because for November, we had so much going on. And I was like, I don't want to bring in one more thing for your people to do inside Fuel. As far as like, let's go do this influencer strategy, or let's go do this social media thing. I was like, I'm going to invite you in to talk about strengths. And we gave everybody, wanted to do it, the Clifton Strengths test. So we got their top five, and then you aggregated all their information. So I'd love to hear I know, there was a couple of top runners, which is interesting to all be, you know, like you said, there's it's hard to get the same 33. One of 33 million or something right to get the same order. But it was interesting that we had a lot of like, top ones that were similar.

Yeah, I had so much fine with the Fuel group. It's such a great group of people and had a great time talking to them. One, you know, I like you said, I gathered their top five strengths. And there were two strengths that seemed to pop up more than others. And so I'm also thinking of Fuel if the Fuel group is representative of your podcast audience, everybody out there listening, like, let me know if this sounds like you, okay, because I'm going to tell you, you know, the top strength of the Fuel group was futuristic, and people who are exceptionally talented in the futuristic theme, they're inspired by the future and what could be, and they energize others with their visions of the future. So someone with that futuristic strength, they're fascinated by tomorrow, and they anticipate and imagine what could be or what should be. They like to just, they're thinking about predictions and forecasting the future. And they love that what they really need are opportunities to talk about the future. That's something that someone with that futuristic strength, they really, they need to voice their thoughts about the future. They love the inspiration that comes from dreaming. And they are not content with the status quo. They have plans. And it just it seemed that when that came up, it seemed to make sense, because every single person in the field group has a product or an idea that they want to put out into the world. And that's what they are doing. And they are focusing on that. And it's really fun to just hear about each, you know, you know, the discussion that we had people talking about, you know, their ideas and what they wanted and what their vision for that was.

Yeah, I mean, most people are wanting to change the world in some way affect it, you know, create better eating habits, create better products, help people with allergies or different issues. So yeah, 100%. I love that. And I think it's unique to probably immediately makes sense that that's a top one for an entrepreneurial group.

Right. And It was I've done many strengths workshops, and futuristic has never been this high, you know, just as a, you know, as a collective group. So that was fun to see, the second most popular strength of the people in the Fuel group was achiever. So people exceptionally talented in the achiever theme work hard and possess a great deal of stamina, they take immense satisfaction in being busy and productive. So someone with the achiever strength, they're hard worker, they set the pace for production, and they bring an intensity, and a stamina of effort. They like to have the freedom to work at their own pace, which sounds you know, very entrepreneurial, and they love completing a task. So basically, you know, someone with that achiever strength, they wake up in the morning, and they think, I need to achieve something today. And we did talk about in that group, you know, I mentioned too much of a good thing. And with this achiever strength, I have this as well, you know, you really feel like you have to achieve something, and if you don't cross something off the list, you know, on during your day, you feel like crap, you know, you feel down on yourself,

Like you're a failure.

Yeah, so we talked about, you know, the achievers, we talked about just also just being able to congratulate yourself when you when you take a step in the right direction, too. And I think someone you know, in terms of your, your coaching clients, there's so many steps that they're going to have to take. And the every step needs to be celebrated. Right?

Journey is long. And that's why we do celebrate wins in Fuel and Master Your Business. And, really, achiever wasn't in my top five, but I am sure it's very high up there. You know, I am a recovering achiever, and that I love to get things done and cross them off my list, but then bringing in some of the coaching and life coaching tools of like, that's not my self worth, and how can I like, it's not about achieving the big thing, because that thing, you know, whatever that big goal is going to take a long time, if it's a worthy goal. And so how do I celebrate a lot, you know, in small ways, measure the gain along the way, and also, kind of those polls, you know, always chasing after those gold stars as part of your self worth, is really dangerous. And so I know from experience though, it leads to a lot of suffering for my high achievers, which I tend to probably just attract, because I also have a high achiever. So I think that just I tend to attract a lot of those folks that I work.

Yeah, well, that activator part of yourself, like, you know, to achieve that goal. It needs to be broken down into little small actions. Yeah, the small actions

Like, we've got to let go the perfectionism or two. And I think that's where high achievers get lost is like, it's got to be perfect.

B minus work. Right? Right. So an achiever if someone has that achiever in their top five, and they're working with you. Just the fact that you break things down into manageable pieces that will help them feel really good, you know, just to know, like I made, I did this one step like I activated this one step. And then the next and the next.

I love it. So good. It was so fun to do that. And it was fun to see everybody's strengths. Maybe that's something we'll bring into Master Your Business as we launch that. That'd be fun to get everybody's strengths ahead of time. So maybe we'll get some of your, your access to those tests. So that was really fun. All right. Well, I want to wrap it up. This was so fun. Tell people where they can find you and how if they're curious if they want to do more with you, and they see the value because so much value, like you said, focusing on your strengths. So do people work with you?

Like I said, I think it's one thing to know what your strengths are, but then to really own those strengths and then to use them intentionally. It brings you so much further. And to know that you don't have to, you know, you don't have to be good at everything but like it is top these top five strengths are your pathways to excellence. So people can find me, they can find me on LinkedIn. My name is it's Lee, and the last name is K O L E S. Also they can find me at my website Career Sequel. I also have a podcast, which is called Career Sequel. And anyone can reach out to me to send me an email or message me on LinkedIn at it's [email protected].

And she has a special, very special Sari rate if you are interested in doing the Clifton Strengths with her and having a couple of three hour zoom calls. So you can reach out to her via email about that. And I just want to thank you so much. Well, first being my friend but also being such a champion of Fuel and Fuel members. i How did you enjoy your Fuel box this year?

Oh my gosh, I got a Fuel box. Yes. And it was so fun to open up because there were surprise goodies inside. And it is up leveled my eating, snacking, cooking. So thank you for everybody who is in there. And then also just a shout out to your audience. I'm a super fan of all that you're doing right now just the creativity combined with the you know, that cooking ability that you have, and, just and going the extra mile to get that on the shelves so that people like, so that I can enjoy it. I want to sample all of your food. So I'm excited for all of you.

Amazing. All right, Lee, thanks so much for joining us today and talking about strengths.

Thanks for having me, Sari.

I hope you enjoyed that episode, you got to know a little bit more about me. And it's been so fun to hear Fuel members talking about their strength and really leaning into that. And using that as a guide of how they can take better action going forward. I hope you go and take the test or go work with Lee or course you can watch the replay inside Fuel VIP so you can really dig in more to the strengths that we talked about on that call. Until next time, have an amazing week. The smartest thing you can do as an entrepreneur is to invest in a who to help you with the how to speed up your journey and help you skip the line. When you are ready for more support and accountability to finally get this thing done. You can work with me in two ways. Get me all to yourself with one on one business coaching or join Food Business Success which includes membership inside Fuel, our community of food business founders that includes monthly live group coaching calls and so much more. It's one of my favorite places to hang out and I would love to see you there. Go to foodbizsuccess.com to start your journey towards your own Food Business Success.




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