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Full Transcript
Sari 0:00
Do you make something amazing in your home kitchen? That could be the award winning salsa, the amazing cookies. That coffee, tea, or kombucha that you love to make. Body care products, pet treats, the list goes on and on. But everybody tells you, you should start a business and you're thinking yourself, maybe I should, maybe I could. And you want to start at a farmers market. You guys know I love farmers markets as a place to get started. Start small, get feedback. It's the least expensive way to get started. And I am here to help you with a free masterclass, just go to In this class, I give you the three step formula to get launched so you know exactly what you need to start with, and then what to expect at a farmers market, and how to increase your sales when you're there. I also make you a special offer to get the Farmers Market Jumpstart Course and to join our Fuel community. It's absolutely free. So what are you waiting for? Go get the Farmers Market Masterclass. I'll see you at a farmers market very soon. Welcome to your Food Business Success. This podcast is for early stage entrepreneurs in the packaged food industry ready to finally turn that delicious idea into reality. I'm your host, Sari Kimbell. I have guided hundreds of food brand founders to success as an industry expert and business coach and it's got to be fun. In this podcast, I share with you mindset tools to become a true entrepreneur and run your business like a boss, interviews with industry experts to help you understand the business you are actually in, and food founder journey so you can learn what worked and didn't work and not feel so alone in your own journey. Now let's jump in!
Welcome everybody back to the podcast. This one's going to be really fun and if you are in an early stage of your business or even if you're thinking about doing a refresh, you're definitely going to want to listen to this full podcast and then also stay tuned, we have a lot more coming. But my guest today is Alexandra Watkins, and she is a brand name expert and founder of Eat My Words and it's a food and beverage brand name consultancy that specializes in creating appetizing names and taglines that make people smile instead of scratch their heads. I've done that a lot with brand name. If you've ever enjoyed a Wendy's Baconator, Smitten Ice Cream, or Simmering Samurai Asian entrees, you have literally eaten her words. She is the author of the brand name bible: Hello, My Name Is Awesome. And the tagline is How to Create Brand Names that Stick. And this book was named a Top 10 Marketing Book by Inc. Magazine. So welcome, Alexandra.
Alexandra 3:24
Thank you. I'm so glad to be here.
Sari 3:26
Yeah, and we are putting this as a video up on the Food Business Success YouTube channel. So if you guys want to go over there and watch us in person, and go through your book, and we're going to dig into creating brand names that work to keep people coming back. So tell me a little bit about how you got started and all of this. Something little bit about you.
Alexandra 3:54
Well, I started my career as an advertising copywriter. And I wrote a lot of ads. And every once in a while, I would get thrown a bone and get to name something. And I love naming. But I didn't know that naming was a profession. I mean, how many people have ever heard of that as a profession? I know from doing this now for 18 years. So many people were like, I never knew that was a thing. That's exactly what they say. So yeah, I switched gears and decided to become a namer and named my business Eat My Words because I started out naming a lot of things that make people fat and drunk. Yeah, so that's and then, gosh, 10 years ago, a publisher asked me to write a book and I did, and it had two editions and yeah, that's I've been helping people create brand names for 18 years.
Sari 4:57
Wow. Well, you're obviously very good at it. And what I loved, I was actually referred to you, we were connected through our trademark attorney sounds like, we probably all refer people back to Lauren. And then she probably refers a lot of people to you when they do the trademark search and realize I can't use that name.
Alexandra 5:22
Yeah, unfortunately, that happens more often than people would imagine.
Sari 5:28
Yeah, I bet. Well, it's tough these days, right? There just so many products and so many businesses.
Alexandra 5:35
There's so many products. There's so many names. Yeah.
Sari 5:39
So we got connected. And, you know, this is an area where I do, I have helped people naming but it's really throwing stuff at the wall, I haven't had a process, and I love it, you are a professional namer. I read through your book, it is awesome as well as the title Hello, My Name Is Awesome. And I was like highlighting a bunch of stuff. And it's so great that we're going to do a workshop together in a few weeks, June 28th. And we're going to go more into this but just tell us a little bit about like, why is it important to have a brand name that really stands out especially in the food industry?
Alexandra 6:22
Yeah, specialty food, it's so important that your name works really hard for you. Your name is the first thing people come in contact with. And if you think about your name, your name will last longer than any other investment you make in your business. I mean, think of all the equipment you need to buy, and the kitchen space you rent, and your employees and your, you know, business cards and like, you know, your equipment for, you know, your printer and phone, like all that stuff is it will go away, be replaced. But your name will last forever and that's why it's important to nail it. And you have to have a name that people instantly like are drawn to. And you know, you want a name that people are going to, that's going to make an emotional connection with people.
Sari 7:14
Yeah, I talked about in some of my workshops for three C's where we need to first capture people, we need to connect with people, we need to get them to pick up our product off of the store shelf. It's the only thing we really have going for us. We're not standing there in the grocery store.
Alexandra 7:33
Yes, yes, yes. And, Sari, it's so important that that concept is in people's heads. You're not going to be standing there. I mean, unless you're sampling in a store, you're not going to be there to explain your name to people. You know, sure. When you're first launching your brand, you're talking to people about it, you can tell them all about the name and what it means but you're not going to be there on the store. And, you know, look people are pushing their cart down the aisle and looking right and left. They might not, you know, you just have the face of your package to communicate. You can't count on them picking it up and read, look that tiny little amount of copy that you have, I've written a lot of packaging copy for food. It's such small real estate. You can't use that. I always say that yogurt foshay. How do you say it? Foshay? Yeah, yeah, not going to be like, no one's going to be learning Greek from the back of your package.
Sari 8:33
Right. So true. We do have some long standing brands that have been with us that are really hard to pronounce. But generally speaking, we probably should not make our product hard to pronounce.
Alexandra 8:46
Yeah, sure in their native Greece, people know how to pronounce it but yeah, a lot of times you really got to think about, and foreign names are like there's such a culprit and here's one that, you know, all of you can relate to. It's not a food product, it's a store, Sarla Tom, and you know, so many people call it Surly table because why wouldn't you call it Surly table? That's exactly what it looks like it says. So yeah, people don't know how to pronounce French. French is the most difficult language that people butcher the most. Look at that Water, LaCroix
Sari 9:24
Right. That's the one that always drove me crazy at Whole Foods.
Alexandra 9:29
Yeah. And we were working on a project for Coca Cola to name their new water, Aha. And they said we don't want to name like Lacroix because everybody pronounces it differently. It look crocs. I forget even what the correct pronunciation is.
Sari 9:45
Yeah, exactly. I know, I speak French and I was like, that drives me crazy. I'm like nobody's pronouncing it correct.
Alexandra 9:53
How do you pronounce it? Yeah, Lacroix.
Sari 9:58
Nobody got it right. So we know there is something to be said about names that you're like talking about with your friends. And you're like, what do you think this means? I mean, that can. I don't think you really want to be known for that. In my opinion. So all right. Well, I mean, so we talked about, like, why it's important. It's going to be the first thing people see, I love the idea of like, your name is a really long term investment. What do you think about when people are just starting out? And they, you know, they're starting at the farmers market, they just want to test it out? Is it okay for people to kind of start with something maybe their name or, you know, do you recommend that? Or do you want them to try to come out of the gate with a good name?
Alexandra 10:48
No, don't name your, you know, like, okay, I'm not going to say Amy's kitchen. But no, we were, we got asked to do a tag on one time for like, Amy's Burgers, you know, and like, there's no there there. There's nothing to pardon the pun, sink our teeth into to create a tagline off of that. Whereas, like, when we named The Church of Cupcakes, that was easy because that lent itself to a theme and you're going to see when you do the workshop with me, you're going to see a lot I'll show you guys all the categories like everywhere that they like have use their name to like, really have fun with it. But their tagline is Worshiper's Welcome because it plays into the theme. So don't use your own name. Like when you use your own name. Ironically, she was using her, the church lady was using her own name, which was lovely. Her name is Portia Lovely. But so she was calling her store Lovely Confections, but it doesn't, you know, no one would know that was her last name. But yeah, when people use their name, chocolatiers are the worst. Scharffenberger. Scharffenberger is a mile long, and like I know their chocolate's delicious. But it's a difficult name for people to spell and pronounce. And so, you know, go for the Willy Wonka School of naming, you know, Willy Wonka's great. You know, Everlasting Gobstoppers like, what a fun name Gobstoppers, right? He named the Wonka Vader, you know. So, have fun, you know, you want to create a smile. When you can create a smile even if it's just a smile in the mind, that's making an emotional connection and that's going to help people remember you. Imagine if your product is on a store shelf and somebody sees it, and they actually they love the name so much, they take a picture of it, and post it on Instagram. You know that could happen to you. So that's why you want a brand name as opposed to using your own name. And look, like I said, it's the longest lasting investment you'll make in your business. So it's worth spending some time to come up with the right name.
Sari 13:14
Yeah, I agree. I loved in the book, you talked about 50% of every buying decision is driven by emotion. We buy things that make us feel good. And we're also inclined to buy things with names that make us feel good. So I love that because rather than just naming it like what it is like having an aspirational name, something that's fun, something memorable, right? Like, so many people are doing better for you products here that we're talking to.
Alexandra 13:42
Yeah, the better for you. It's tricky because, you know, people will first of all, think of it this way, if you're in Whole Foods, and I know you used to be a buyer for Whole Foods. So you know this more than anything, if you're in Whole Foods, your products in Whole Foods, you already have the halo of good for you. Even if your product is not really good for you, it's better for you, right? Better quality ingredients, maybe it's it's all natural, organic. But you know, obviously, there's still calories in those things. But people have this, Delmonte actually did some research around Whole Foods, and they found that people going into Whole Foods, they just automatically assumed everything there was healthier and better for them. So you don't need a name that communicates that. If you're already in a store that people think and you're already like, if you're a specialty food product, people already think that it's something better for them, right? Yeah, you can afford to have a fun name or a creative name.
Sari 13:42
Not every name has to be like playful and silly.
Alexandra 14:22
But just something to remember, right? Like Mary's Gone Crackers, right? Or, you know, Trader Joe's has this Strawberry Walks Into a Bar, This Blueberry Walks Into a Bar, right? Like those are fun. And those are long names. But it's better to have a long name that people remember than a short name that people can't remember.
Sari 15:15
So what are some qualities? Like, I know we're kind of talking off the cuff here. But what are some qualities that you recommend people aim for in their brand name?
Alexandra 15:24
Well, you definitely want to name that suggests something positive, you know, a positive brand experience about your product, or makes that positive emotional connection. You know, when we named the frozen yogurt store, Spoon Me. I mean, people see that, that's a name that, this is the test for you, if people love your product before they've even tried it, you are going in and that's what Spoon Me had. People driving by saw the name Spoon Me, they love Spoon Me. They wanted the t shirt, even though they hadn't even tried the product yet. So think of your name like that, you know, what's people's initial reaction to it? You know, what's going to be the magnet that draws them in? So you want a name that's attractive and that's memorable, and memorable names or names that are based on something familiar. And I was actually just talking to someone before this call about an ice cream name. And he was saying Brain Freeze in French, and it doesn't like, you get that, people in Montreal we get that. But that is such a hard word. Like it's such a difficult language like, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer, you want your name to be a welcome sign.
Sari 15:24
We don't want our name to be, feel sorry, or feel, yeah, not inspire any emotion, feel bland, or make us feel stupid.
Alexandra 15:47
Yeah, no one wants to feel stupid. And it's like, you know, we've all been to a restaurant and seen something on the menu that we couldn't pronounce. And so either we didn't order it, or we pointed out it or we just said, you know that I'll have the chicken dish or whatever, you know, but nobody wants, no one wants to butcher your name and embarrass themselves. And you don't want people butchering your name either.
Sari 17:18
Yeah. It's like, instead of a CoCo van, you're like, the chicken dish. Yeah, now you're on a shelf, or you know, or you're online, or you're even at a market with a whole bunch of other people, you have a lot of competition. So you want it to stand out. I'm just seeing some of the products over here. It's like Peak State. I love that name for coffee, right? Because it's got like added benefits to it as well. And like, really thinking about like Peak States, you know, we're going to get to work and be really energized.
Alexandra 17:53
That's a clever name, because it's from Colorado? Yeah, that's a really great name.
Sari 18:00
I like that name a lot. And then, like Better Than Provisions, they started out with their name in it, their personal name, and we rebranded. But then there's like that theme that you talked about too where you can name it, you know, it's like the concept of like, just being a little bit better than before. And this is just a little bit better choice.
Alexandra 18:21
Yeah, and having the theme is really important. And like I said, we'll see a lot of examples of that in the workshop. And so if you're at a farmers market, and your name lends itself to a theme, for instance, that's a way to attract people as Spoon Me, when they got started. When they open their retail stores, instead of the sign saying, Coming Soon, it said Spooning Soon. And you could just see those guys having, if they were at a farmers market, like they could have a lot of fun with their name. And, you know, that's what that like, you know, when we named Smitten Ice Cream, like ice cream you'll love. You know, like, it's just when you can play off of your name, you can really extend your brand and it just is going to give you so much free mileage.
Sari 19:07
Yeah. And it just lends to people remembering it, coming back, telling their friends, taking photos, putting them on Instagram.
Alexandra 19:17
And when people remember your name, too, you're going to have to spend less on. I mean, who has money to spend on advertising? You know, when you're starting a business, it's hard. So let your name do the work for you.
Sari 19:29
Let's talk about some of the things to avoid. We already kind of talked about always have a positive experience with your brand. But so the opposite of that, I'm sure would be a very sad name.
Alexandra 19:42
Something to definitely avoid. Avoid just being a copycat. And you know, a great example of that is Pinkberry has been ripped off by so many people. And you know, one time I just did a search for Berry Frozen Yogurt and I would put different words in front of Berry, it's so Cool Berry, Bliss Berry, Yo Berry. They're all done. And like when somebody sees a name like that, the first thing they do is roll their eyes and like, oh, they're ripping off Pinkberry. And like, you don't want somebody's first experience with your brand to be like, oh, you're copying somebody else, you know, a copycat. If you listen to Lauren Handle's podcast about trademark infringement. That's and the importance of protecting your brand with a trademark. You got to be careful because you could be infringing on someone's trademark and I know Pinkberry for instance, is very litigious. But here's another Pinkberry knockoff that people don't think about, but Red Mango, it's the same thing. It's a color and a fruit. And why is like I couldn't for the longest time I'm like, why did they call it Red Mango and then it dawned on me color and a fruit. But like, that's like Pinkberry's not even a great name. But I think Paris Hilton was photographed, you know, eating Pinkberry. And you know, it's all about influencers, right?
Sari 20:59
And you talk about like, I think one of the mistakes that I know you'll talk about is like spelling. And because people are so challenged with domain names, which we're going to talk about too, is that people like leave out vowels, or they create weird spellings on things. I just ordered this electrolyte water from elements. And of course, it's like L, M, N, T.
Alexandra 21:25
Yeah, no, that's bad. No, your name shouldn't look like a typo. And when we do our workshop, we're going to see examples of spelling challenge names. And I'm going to take you through, I have a 12 point name evaluation task called the smile and scratch task. And smile is an acronym for the five qualities that make a name awesome. And scratch is an acronym for the seven deadly deal breakers. And when you want to scratch your name off the list, because it makes people scratch their head. And spelling challenge is the essence scratch and I would say, it's the thing that gets violated the most. And it frustrates people like crazy and like, you don't want your name to frustrate people. You just want it to be easy. Like when I tell people go to or my business name is Eat My Words. I don't have to spell it for anyone. It's like, tiny little words, right? But yeah, like so you know Häagen-Dazs, super spelling challenge. Even after all these words, I challenge anybody to spell that name off the top of their head. It's impossible.
Sari 22:30
No, that's a really good one. I was trying to think of some other ones that have been around a long time. But do you think by now we would know how to spell them? And I bet there's some we're like, okay, I figured out Spanx, I know how to spell that. And that's, you know, it's funny. It's like there's a fine line because.
Alexandra 22:50
Yeah, Spanx. I'm okay with the X because of tricks. You know, tricks are for kids. Yeah, the X like, yeah, kids. I give kid's food a pass, because I don't know, the silly spelling, I think is kind of cute. But yeah, for adult products, like be a grown up, spell your name a grown up way. Don't worry about your domain name. And you know, we'll talk about domains in the workshop. But I'll give you guys an example. And I'll probably repeat it again because it's worth repeating. But there was a turkey company. There isn't a turkey company, a smoked turkey company. And their name is Greenberg Smoked Turkey isn't it, you know, not a great name, it's a family name, I'm sure. But Greenberg could be spelled with a Burg, you know, u or an e. And their domain name though is unforgettable. And it's
Sari 23:42
Yeah. And that's one of the tricks I know you talked about in the book, too. Like if you have a name that's a little bit harder to spell or maybe a little tricky. Like for Haagen Dazs it could be like, Something like that, right?
Alexandra 23:58
Oh we named a popcorn. We named a gourmet popcorn store Pop Psychology and we couldn't get So we got and that was their tagline, Crazy For Popcorn. And it's more fun anyway. I mean, that's the thing. Like, you can have fun with a domain name. And people miss that opportunity.
Sari 24:17
Right, they just want, they're just like so focused on, let me get the name of my And let's face it, those are challenging to get. You had some really great examples of like, yeah, you can pay $3,000 in the book for like, some domain names that are like gobblegobbledygook. Like, really? These are names.
Alexandra 24:42
Oh, yeah. I have some examples of some really atrocious ones. Yeah. And I was I like to say like, every domain name is taken or parked and in the book, I say that I think the only one left is beige kumquat.
Sari 24:58
Well, I couldn't believe it for the book is coming out, the title is key ingredients was like the main thing and was available.
Alexandra 25:09
Nice, see and lots of thing to do, just add a word book. That's perfect, right? And because that's what people are going to be searching for anyway. Yeah, you didn't need Key Ingredients Book is better and it will help people find you. It's better search engine optimization, search engine marketing to have a word like book in your domain name.
Sari 25:31
And I love like your brand, because you do a lot of even though you name other products besides food, you do a lot with food and oh, you got to show us your fridge too I'm here. If you're watching on YouTube, show us your fridge.
Alexandra 25:43
Okay, this is my pink fridge in the office. It's a 1950s Retro pink refrigerator. Do you want me to open it?
Sari 25:54
Yeah, sorry, if you're listening on the podcast, she's going over and opening her beautiful pink fridge and it's filled with books. All your inspiration for naming, right?
Alexandra 26:06
Yeah, and smelled with my cool books.
Sari 26:09
I love it. And yeah, you're in such a great office and everything. So on brand. So fun.
Thank you. Yeah, I like to have fun. I think everyone should have fun at work.
So what I told you today is like, I just want this podcast to be kind of the amuse boosh to get people excited, we are doing a totally free to join us live workshop on June 28th. It's at 1pm, Pacific time. And the place to go and register for that is And I'll put the link in the show notes too. But maybe give us some highlights of what you're going to dive into more inside the free workshop.
Alexandra 26:51
Okay, well, first of all, you're going to see lots and lots of examples. And my presentation is super fun. It's just very colorful and engaging, you'll laugh a lot, you'll learn a lot. And it will open your eyes to a lot of things that you haven't thought about before. And really give you pause and make you consider the importance of a brand name and it will inspire you too, you'll get some brainstorming tips on how to come up with names. I will show you examples of how I came up with the name Spoon Me frozen yogurt. That's also in my book, you'll get those and I'm going to give you guys a special deal on my online course. Crazy savings. And yeah, you're going to just, you're just going to, you're never going to think of brand names again, after you check this the same way again, after you take this course you're going to look at everything differently. And it's both a blessing and a curse. But yeah, and it's you're also you know, we can talk about some name changes. And you know, if anyone has questions about changing your name, is it ever too late to change your name? You know, in food, you have to redo the labels and you know, everything but, you know, hey, if it's going to change the way, if it's going to bring in more sales ultimately it will be worth it.
Sari 26:53
Yeah, that's such a good point to talk about because I think maybe some people might be listening that like, oh, well, I already have a name Marty Down That Road. But there are a lot of times when brands do changes, and they'll do refreshes. And there's sort of a right way to do it and the wrong way to do it. It's where you really confuse people. Or that it really you can engage people in the process and get them excited, and they're on board and when you have the right name, I will say this I know this happened when we did the brand refreshed for Better Than, it's like when we changed it. It was April's Better Than Granola and we changed it. There was like a new confidence and we had new packaging and new logo. And they were so confident to go out and start selling their product like it felt more legit. And so they were able to go get more sales and grow the business. And so having that name that you've like, yes, this lands with people, they get it. I'm helping them create an emotional experience. Like you're going to feel so much more confident selling it wherever, whatever platform that is.
Alexandra 29:19
Yeah, definitely. And you know, when you have an infectious name, it makes your product more giftable too, because somebody's going to be like, that's so cute. I want to pick that up for my friend. And you know, if you already have a name, like look at Ben and Jerry's, they have name but their flavor names are what everybody remembers, right? Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia, Liz Lemon. So those, you know, that's an opportunity for you so even if you have a name in the workshop, you will see other opportunities that you can use to have names that really bring people to your brand.
Yeah, that's true and tag lines too are other opportunities. What's great is you may have a brand name that has been around you want to keep it you like it, but maybe it's not as impactful as it could be. And you can easily update it. Tagline, that's easy.
Yeah. Taglines are, yeah, you can change them out. One of my favorite tag lines we did for food was for Oregon Hazelnuts. Oregon grows more hazelnuts than any other state. And it was just for their hazelnut growers. And it was Oregon Hazelnuts Indulgence in a Nutshell.
Oh, I love that.
You can have a lot of fun. Even if you, like Oregon, Hazelnuts. There's nothing super creative about that. It's a you know, it's an association. But yeah, we took advantage of or I did that it was in a nutshell and like, okay, what can we say here?
You know, what I'm constantly surprised by or it just always strikes me. Like you're a professional because you do this all the time. But when you tell me something like that, I'm like, duh like, of course that makes perfect sense. That's amazing. And it's so simple, right? It's like, well, I can come up with that. Except that I can't. Like, wasn't like Spoon Me frozen yogurt. You're like, oh, that's so simple. It's so easy. Anybody could have come up with that. But you have like, it's not like those are easy to just come up with.
No. I'll show the slide of all the frozen yogurt names. And yeah, nobody had come up with Spoon Me and Gab named a couple of frozen yogurt stores. Now one of my favorites was when self serve became really popular. And everyone was making their own frozen yogurt concoctions, I named a frozen yogurt store of Vincent Van Gogh. And the tagline was Create Your Own Masterpiece.
Beautiful and maybe that's the mark of a great name is that you're like, oh, I could have come up with that. But like, it's simple. And it's memorable. And it makes sense. But also, like, those are hard. They're actually hard to come up with, right?
They are hard. I mean, you can use Chat GPT to try to come up with names. And it's not even close to being there yet. You know, I was naming a kid's travel kit, a family travel game company. And just on my own I came up with Fee Fi Fo Fun, Fee Fi Fo Fam, travel riot. I mean, chat GPT is not coming up with those names.
Right, and you have such a great brainstorming process that you're going to share with us and like, how do you actually do it? I think just having a process and a strategy, people will come away with so much more of like, here's some resources, right? Because I think so many times people are just like, they're just stuck. And so they just name something, either after themselves, or they copycat something. They haven't checked trademarks, which could get them into trouble later on, right? They just kind of go with like, something their aunt said.
Right? Well, I know you know, when you're when you have a specialty food company, and especially when you're just starting out, you are juggling a million plates and like the name can just be like, okay, whatever, you know, just it's like one more thing, but it's really the backbone, it's the soul of your business. I mean, I know you're really the soul of your business if you're making the food but a name really it's the heart of your business. Eveything revolves around your name.
And when you have the right name it gets so much easier to do the other stuff, right? I think about like fireworks butter, or like she's got so many play on words and talking about, you know, the sizzle and the boom and you know, all these kind of metaphors and imagery and fireworks. Yeah, creating those themes and it just really helps you to be more playful and fun that creates more memorable product.
Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Yeah, so everyone will get a lot out of the workshop, I promise.
Good. Oh, I'm so excited. So we'll put the link down below and it's free to attend live or you can purchase the replay or get it anytime. So if you're listening to this afterwards, you can still come in and grab the workshop. And I'm really excited. I love this because there's so many opportunities beyond just your brand name. I was also just thinking about like if you have subscriptions, right? You can name your subscriptions fun things as well. It's another opportunity.
Absolutely. And you can make merchandise too. You can, you know, you can monetize your name with merchandise. Spoon Me and Smitten have both done that. And you can do it too. I mean, if you're selling online, why not sell merchandise anywhere you're selling your food product? I mean, not in a grocery store. But yeah, online, why not have some merge?
Well, this has been so fun. You guys definitely want to go check out the YouTube video if you want to see this podcast in real time or the video of it. And hopefully, we'll see you at the workshop. So thank you so much for joining me, Alexandra. It's been a pleasure.
My pleasure, too. This was fun. I love talking about food names. They're my favorite. You know, what's not to love, right?
This was so fun. I hope you got some little tasty nuggets from this episode. And then get yourself registered for the workshop, we're going to create a tasty brand name, or many of the other things you can name in your business, I think you'll get so much out of it. And until next time, have an amazing week.
The smartest thing you can do as an entrepreneur is to invest in a who to help you with the how to speed up your journey and help you skip the line. When you are ready for more support and accountability to finally get this thing done. You can work with me in two ways. Get me all to yourself with one on one business coaching or join Food Business Success which includes membership inside Fuel, our community of food business founders that includes monthly live group coaching calls and so much more. It's one of my favorite places to hang out and I would love to see you there. Go to to start your journey towards your own Food Business Success.
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