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The bigger your dreams, the bigger your goals, the more support you need, not less. Every great entrepreneur knows they need experts, they need a community to help support them, and connect them to really get that momentum going. If you find yourself in that start, stop, start, stop struggle, where you have an amazing idea, something you make in your home kitchen, it can be a food item, beverages, pet treats, or even body care. And you just can't seem to get it off the ground or you haven't been able to make a profit yet, I want to offer you a free workshop. It's called Whip Up A Business You Love. And in it, you're going to learn the foundational pieces of having a business that works. An idea is not enough, a desire is not enough. We need to have a foundation and a plan for your next steps. And in that workshop, you're going to get my startup checklist, we're going to talk about your product, about pricing, what that investment looks like, how to really know if you have a solid idea, or a business plan that's going to work. And I make you an incredibly delicious offer to join me in Food Business Success at the end. Go to and in the right hand corner, you will see where to register to get that free workshop. And then I hope I will see you inside Food Business Success and on one of our Fuel calls very soon. Welcome to your Food Business Success. This podcast is for early stage entrepreneurs in the packaged food industry ready to finally turn that delicious idea into reality. I'm your host Sari Kimbell, I have guided hundreds of food brand founders to success as an industry expert and business coach and it's got to be fun. In this podcast, I share with you mindset tools to become a true entrepreneur and run your business like a boss, interviews with industry experts to help you understand the business you are actually in, and food founder journey so you can learn what worked and didn't work and not feel so alone in your own journey. Now let's jump in.
Hello, how are you today? Welcome to the podcast, right, before we get started, I wanted to just tease you a little bit that there is going to be a very special announcement coming out this Friday. So it'll come out on this podcast feed as far as some changes that are coming to this podcast and and introducing something new. So I'm very excited about that. So just going to give you a little heads up on that. Keep your eye out. And then I am so excited, it is starting to feel a little more like spring. I read somewhere that Colorado has had its like 14 coldest winter on record in the last 200 years. I was like, yeah, okay, that makes sense. I can see that. So I'm ready for some sunshine. However, I am actually heading up into more of the mountains up into steamboat this week, as I'm recording this. And I am going to be taking about a three and a half, four day, little book writing retreat. I'm very excited about it, I have decided to write a self published book called Food Business Success that's going to be all about how to start a handmade product business. And it's going to take you through both the hows, right, and what you need to do. But also some of the mindset pieces that I feel like are so important to you actually getting this business off the ground, taking the plunge turning on the website and going to that first market, and then to keep going when things get challenging. So I have very specific restraints on my time and putting constraints, it's going to be B minus work. And by the end of that weekend, we're going to have a rough draft. And so my goal is by middle of April that it will be to the publisher, whatever that means, I'm still figuring all of that out. But that's what we do, right? Like I don't know exactly how to do it. I've never done it, but I'm asking people who have, I'm getting good information. I'm trying to skip the line. And you know, there'll be some things that are out of my control, but I have the list and all the things that I need to do. So that's how we roll as entrepreneurs.
So today I want to talk about continuing the money conversations. We're going to talk about money mistakes, I definitely see a lot of them, both in the actual strategic tactical things that people do in their business but also the mindset stuff that we bring into it. And you guys heard last week, me talking with my money coach Robin, and really uncovering some of those mindset pieces and the limiting beliefs. But I wanted to just kind of share with you on today's podcast, sort of a smattering, if you will, of some of the things that I've seen and some of the things that I would love for you to avoid and to get support if this resonates for you. You have a business or you're thinking about starting a business, which means you're going to have to interact with money, a whole lot more than maybe what you do in your personal life, right? If you're used to just getting a monthly check, or every other week, right? I mean, money's always there, we're always dealing with money issues. But whatever your baggage is, whatever your limiting beliefs are, as you step into entrepreneurship, it's just going to magnify, right? Whatever you're bringing with and whatever you deal with, then those money pieces are going to just get bigger. And so we have to be willing to work on our money mindset. And I promise you that if you're afraid of money, I work with so many people, especially an hour doing Master Your Business. And we're really talking about money and how to look at it, how to do the cash flow, how to do the forecast, how to make sure our cost of goods sold is accurate, and then putting it all together for a business plan, right? What is our actual plan to be profitable? And so many people just don't want to look at this stuff, right? And I'm sort of forcing people to do it in Master Your Business. And I hear it all the time, right? I'm not good with money. I'm not good with spreadsheets. And I will just tell you, we got to drop that language right now. Maybe you're not good yet or you're learning how, but I don't want you to ever say I'm not good with money ever again. Can we just make an agreement that you're just going to drop that phrase if you catch yourself saying it you say dot dot dot, yet, right? Or I'm learning how to be better with money, I'm willing to look at my money. I know that knowing my money is important and I'm willing to figure it out, I'm willing to do it. Because you don't want to look at it. If you're afraid of it, or you yell at it, you're like, that's not enough money, why aren't you better? Why aren't you more? You came too late, you came too early. When you yell at it, it's not going to show up for you, you're never going to accumulate it. You're either going to accumulate it and then figure out ways to lose it really fast, or it just never going to come in the first place. So that's just kind of the first thing off the top of my head when I think about how important this topic of getting intimate, getting close with your money, creating a better relationship. Imagine you are in relationship with money as if it were a partner because it is. But imagine it's an intimate relationship like what if you treated your partner, your spouse, whoever that is, with the same words that you use with money, they probably would not stick around very long. So one of the first things, here some tactical strategy things that I find, especially when you're just starting out, or you know, if you want to scale to that next level, right? If you see my stair step model where every time you scale up, right, you go from farmers markets into a commercial kitchen, and you want to go into grocery stores, or you want to go the next level of wholesale or you want to go on Amazon. Anytime you scale up or when you start, you're going to need a certain amount of money as an investment. This is just the way it works as a product based business, you need a product to go sell. And so what I highly recommend that you do is: first, I want you to identify what that amount of money is. Here's what most people do. They make a decision on where they want to go. Let's just say you're going to launch your business, that's the easiest one in this example. So you're going to launch your business and people just say yeah, I'm going launch and I'm willing to put some money into it. And that's super vague amount, like no amount has been decided on. And so what you do is you start, and then you start nickel and diming every little thing, and you don't actually know if it's going to get you closer to your goal. It's all very murky and foggy and vague. And you're just kind of like, yeah, I know, I need to, you know, I know I go to buy this, and you're kind of willy nilly, like, you're going to spend, you know, a lot of money over here on packaging but then you don't want to spend money over here on something else that you really need to. And you're nickel and diming. And it's like you're tripping over dollars to save cents, right? You're just like focused on like, oh, let me just save a little bit of money over here and over here. And then you like, freak out about some, you know, maybe you buy a bunch of packaging. And so you're like, oh, my gosh, that was so much money. And you freak out about that. And then you slow everything down in some other area where you need to make an investment. Because you haven't really thought through what is the total amount of money that I need to invest. So here's what I recommend that you do, it's kind of the exact opposite but it gets you to the same place, it just gets you there a whole lot faster, and with a whole lot less drama. And it really sets you up to be more successful so you can start picking up the dollars that you've been leaving on the ground because you've been so worried about some pennies around. So what I encourage you to do is figure out what that dollar amount is realistically to launch in this case. And if it's the scale up then figure that number out. Now, you're going to be like, but I don't know what that number is. I do. I am really good at these now. I tell people with pretty good accuracy, you know, a couple of $1,000 if it's a big project, I mean, very accurate how much it's going to take based on their goals, right? So first, you have to decide what is it that we're actually trying to accomplish? What sales channels, what's the produc, right? What level of execution are we going to do? And then go find out, go ask experts, go talk to people who have done it. I look at Food Business Success as it is a business investment so that you can get the answers to these questions and be able to make really intelligent CEO level decisions, right? With real numbers, with real data. But in any case, I want you to figure out what that number is. So let's just say you are launching under cottage food. And you're like, okay, I've done the math, I've talked to Sari, got inside Food Business Success, or I've talked with other people, right, and I really understand what that number is. And you're like, I can launch with, let's say $2,000. And it's under cottage food so you don't need the kitchen, right? But you're gonna need licenses and you're going to maybe have marketing expenses and packaging, and the farmers market fees, and the website and all that, right? So we look at what are all the things that you're going to need and we put an n number on it. So let's come up with that number. Now, it is important that you do have a margin of safety in that number, right? Like often we have this crazy bias where it's called the planning fallacy, where we plan for the best case scenario, where like $2,000, as long as everything goes according to this plan. It's like when I leave to go on a run an errand and I am saying it's going to take me 15 minutes to get there. But I'm only planning for the best case scenario, right? No traffic, no construction, no slow people in the crosswalk. No issues finding a parking spot. I'm like, it only takes me 15 minutes, right? And so I only give myself 15 minutes but the reality is, most of the time there's going to be something if not combinations of those things. So it's important that we embrace that unknown when we are coming up with this number. We need a margin of safety because things will go wrong. And there's that saying in business right? It always takes you twice as long and twice as much money as you think it will. So noting that we have this fallacy and we want to make a plan based on what else could go wrong, right, timing and money wise. So decide ahead of time and then, it becomes easy to spend the money, then you're like, yeah, I've already made the decision, I have $2,000, I've set it aside in the bank and here's the things that I think I'm going to need. And there's some extra wiggle room in there for when things don't go exactly as I thought, and I'm going to make the investment for Food Business Success, I would consider that part of your investment dollars. Personally, to me, I have priced it at such a no brainer amount that I'm like, this is just silly, why you wouldn't come and get this kind of support at this level. But to each their own, you can Google it and go ask other people, that's fine. Just get outside support, some way somehow. And then what I want you to do is if that money is not in your bank account, if you do not have that access to spend, what I do not want you to do is go start this, and just hope that the money will come or like really get scare about it and put a lot of pressure. So I really want you to have a runway to start. There's more psychological safety there. And when you feel more safe, when you're not like I need this business to work out really quickly, I have to be in business by the end of the month or I can't pay my rent. No, no, no, please do not do that. That is the surest way for this to blow up in your face and for you to be in a worse off situation. So if you're feeling anxious or worried, you're not going to make the best decisions. And just imagine, you know, if you can put yourself in that anxious and worry and hustle and scarcity mode, how you're going to show up, right? How you would show up at a farmers market if that's how you are feelin? I see it all the time. And you guys know, I own a farmers market and I watch I look around and I can tell who's in that energy. And then I can also tell the people who are relaxed, and they're just having fun. And there's not a lot of pressure on their business and they're the ones with the lines. There's an energy about it. And I promise you, if you put too much pressure on this, it's going to be so much harder, and you're going to get in your own way a lot, you're going to really trip up yourself and your business. So I highly recommend that you create a runway for yourself so if you do not have that amount of money. Now $2,000 is a small amount of money in this industry, I want you to know that going into this. Now, it all depends on your end goals, of course, right? And if you're wanting to stay in a farmers market situation, maybe some e-commerce, the investment is going to be a lot lower. If you want to go into grocery stores, if you want to go into Amazon, if you want to go into certain, you know, certain sales channels. And based on your product, the amount of money, the amount of investment is going to be a lot more. I coach some people when they have a call with me and I do offer a one off just a 45 minute strategy call that you can pay for. So if you ever want to just be like okay, run this through with me, right? Give me my number, I can do that.
Also the free workshop, the Whip Up A Biz You Love workshop, you can just go to the homepage for Food Business Success. And in the right hand corner, there's that workshop. I break it down to some extent in there for you to help you understand like, oh, what's my level of investment because maybe it's $2,000, maybe it's $20,000. And I have also told some people this is like $100,000, even $200,000. So the investment can vary significantly so I want you to be prepared for that. And what I want you to do is create that runway, I want you to have some ease the pressure on your business because you want to think about your business more as a baby, right? It needs your love and care and support and not you putting a lot of pressure on it to perform immediately. These things take time. And they take experimentation. I was just talking with Fuel member who's also a vendor at the farmers market. And she was saying, yeah, I got into this one store. And this one store, it's like a little coffee shop. It's not what you would expect. And she's like, my baking mixes are flying off the shelves. She can't keep them in stock. But that's taken time to find that store and figure it out. And it's a super random store in this kind of mountain town, right? Like, what? Really? But that takes time to go figure those out and get in the store and get that working, right? I was listening to this book on the plane right over to Expo West last week. And it's called the Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. One of the things that I wrote down was that we need to cultivate a barbell personality, and this scenario investing, and I think it would also be in our business as well that it parallels this. And he says that you need to be optimistic about the future. And then also paranoid that it could all go wrong. So I think sometimes we're one or the other, right? Especially if you want to start a business, you're all optimism, you're all idealism. And we need a certain amount of idealism. If I just thought this business was a terrible idea and it would never work, I never would have started Food Business Success, right? I had to have a level of optimism that it would all work out. And that, you know, the odds are in my favor. And there's always that part of like, let's plan for things not going exactly right. Or that sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes there's, you know, outside events that happen, of course, and then sometimes there's internal things. But recognizing too that there's going to be this messy middle, right? Of like having the idea and then having to do all the work. And so I think that's also another form of a barbell personality where you're like, it's like, you got to get from one to the other. And being okay with there being that messy middle, where you're going to have to learn things, you're going to have to figure it out, you are going to need to have a beginner's mindset, you're like, I've never done this before, let me go get help, that's going to really speed you up, and help you to not quit. But cultivating that, like things do work out for me, and I figure it out as long as I never quit. And let's also look around us and not just pretend like everything's sunshine and daisies and unicorns, right? It's that we're always on a forward and upward trajectory but sometimes there are steps back. And sometimes there's failures and learnings and pivots and redeciding. I mean, it's like the general stock market has always been on an upward trend up into the right. But there are dips, of course, and I love what he said here, it's we need to cultivate short term paranoia to stay in the game of long term optimism. I was talking with some investors, and actually Michael Movitz who I interviewed on the podcast a little while ago, we were talking at Expo, and we were talking about some brands. And he was like, yeah, you know, what we would as a VC would never invest in these companies because they haven't actually spent enough money of their own, they haven't invested as much and as quickly as they should have. And I just thought that was really interesting that there is this balance, right, there's the people who are like the overspenders and just go out there and they're like, blowing cash without really thinking it through. But I think that the opposite is also very true and especially for early entrepreneurs. And if you've never been an entrepreneur before, that you really need support as far as like life coaching and mindset coaching to really help you manage your money mindset because this will require investments, this will require you taking risks, and you know, betting on yourself and betting on your business and do, you know, making some financial investments, that could go wrong, right, that you could lose that money. At the end of the day, I don't think you'll ever regret it as long as you do it with thought. But I actually think that a lot of times, one of the reasons why businesses fail that I've seen, especially when you get to next levels, is that they're not actually making those investments soon enough, and they miss opportunities to go to the next level when we have those moments, right? Like luck is just the intersection of preparation meets opportunity. So are you prepared? And are you able to actually invest and take advantage of those opportunities, right? And so that's why I think working with a coach is so important to help you especially when you're going to that next level, to understand what your key investments are and what you're going to get the most bang for your buck. Because I do see people investing in things that I'm like that is not the most important thing. This is actually what you should be focusing on and we steer them back into the right direction. Like we all have a limited finite amount of money. Most of us do anyway. And so we need to be very particular, and very discerning on what we invest in and getting support around that I think is so crucial.
Okay, one more money mistake, that's really a strategy and a tactical thing in your business is you do want to be tracking your income and your expenses well, and I don't think you need to start with QuickBooks by any means. I give you a really nice dialed in spreadsheet that is based on IRS and how they look at your different business expenses. But there's some tweaks there to help make it a little bit more user friendly, and also really give you the information that you need. So I give you a really nice spreadsheet for tracking and I think that's totally fine to use at the beginning. And here's the thing, when you decide to go to a QuickBooks, I really need you to find tools to learn how to do it correctly, or go work with somebody and I have some great resources. Kelly Burton, who is my go to bookkeeper and accountant came into Fuel to talk to us about how she can help but go get help. It seems really easy, quote unquote, to set it up, and they try to make it sound really easy. But there are some things especially because you make physical products, and you have oftentimes you have what's called works in progress, where you have raw ingredients before they become the finished product. If you don't set it up correctly, you can really, really, it's just so painful to untangle it after the fact. And in fact, I got this tax, which sort of inspired this podcast from a former client of mine. And she was totally out of the blue. I don't know exactly what prompted it. But she texted me and said, by the way, one of your very first sessions I attended, you recommend getting an accountant to set up QuickBooks, not listening to you was one of my most expensive mistakes so far. I don't wish that on anybody. I certainly don't delight in that. But if you can take some wisdom from people who have been there before, I unfortunately have had to, you know, work with people and get them connected to experts who can help them untangle it. And it's so much more expensive to do it after the fact than to make that investment upfront.
And just learn it, have it set up correctly. And then you know, you're off and running. And you can do a lot of it yourself once it's set up correctly. And then the other pieces that I really want you to do is know your cost of goods sold, have a cash flow statement, a rolling 13 week cash flow, so that you are tracking money in and money out and you're looking at a forecast. Those are the two most simple things, the basic things that are really important as a business owner in addition to tracking your expenses, right, which a cashflow can do to some extent but also tracking them for legal purposes for your taxes. And then ultimately, I really do like you to have a profit spreadsheet which again, we're going to talk more about inside Fuel, so that you are prioritizing profit from the beginning. So those were just some things that you really want to keep in mind like putting on your CEO hat, right, your CFO hat, because you are running a business. And if you don't know what those things are that I just mentioned, then that's a great reason to come and work with me. And then that leads us into your money beliefs, and all of the limiting beliefs that you don't even realize you have that are really holding you back. And I want you to just consider that ee get so steadfast in our beliefs. But a belief is a thought that you've been thinking for a really long time. And most likely many of your beliefs were given to you by your parents, by society, by religion. And it's just always a good idea to question those and say, is that really true? Because I can guarantee you that somebody, you have two people with the same exact amount of money and they will have very different beliefs around it. Let's just say I gave you $5,000. Some people would have a belief that that's a lot of money and they're excited and they could do so much with that and that it gives them a sense of safety and security. And other people would say what $5,000, that's nothing, right? And they'll be like, I'm still, that's not enough. And so just realizing that like, there are very different beliefs out in the world about money, and you just have yours. And if it serves you and helps you build a better business, I'm all for it. But a coach can really help you see the forest from the trees and help you question some of these things. Because when they're so ingrained, and so internal, it can be really hard to see. One of the areas that I think is most prevalent, especially for women, is around the concept of debt. And finance, right, and investing without your own money, taking other people's and even the word taking, right, is a belief, borrowing, reinvesting. And the reality is that all businesses at a certain level will need to take on debt. I was coaching a woman in another food group that I coach in. And she was talking about how she was really going after all these grants and it was just grant, grant, grant. And I said, you know, I'm curious, why you haven't talked about taking on a loan debt of some kind to grow your business. And I said, I'm all for free money. Don't get me wrong. But grants have very long lead cycles, and you're not guaranteed, right? There's zero guarantee. You could put a lot of effort into them and get nothing from it. And then what, right, you've, you've waited a long time, you put a lot of effort, and a loan can be a lot faster depending on you know, where your business's at and who you're seeking a loan from. But in any case, she was like, hmm, interesting. Like, it just helped her to kind of see like, what are my thoughts around debt? And like I said, I think that there's a lot of societal pieces especially for women around our thoughts about debt, and whether it's good or bad. But most businesses, like especially brick and mortars are taking on debt, they are borrowing money and then paying it back in most cases, and sometimes they don't, right? And it doesn't make you a bad or good person, it just is. And so I highly recommend that you even just journal out like, what are your thoughts about debt or borrowing money? What are your thoughts about having money? I think a lot of people and I've certainly been guilty of this where when you do get money, you end up like spending it quickly because you don't know how to just have the money. And it just all needs to flow back out because it brings on a lot of anxiety. So be willing to examine your money beliefs, and how those may or may not be serving you in your business. And then the last thing I want to throw out on this podcast is around outsourcing. A while back I think, gosh, back in early 2020. I think I read Tim Ferriss, The Four Hour Workweek. And it really got me thinking about outsourcing. And he basically says you should outsource as much of your life as you possibly can. And, you know, I know that financially that may not be possible for everyone but I want you to think about the concept of it. So imagine that you took your hourly wage, right, let's say if it's in this business, if you already have a business like your top level of work, like your highest level where you are contributing the most value, what is your hourly rate, or if you don't have a business yet you can think about your current hourly wage as well. And then he says everything below that anything that costs less than that per hour to do you should be outsourcing that so that could be personal things that could be like cleaning or running errands. You know, grocery shopping and doesn't always mean hiring a person, it could be like, you know, doing Instacart, or whatever, you know, delivery kind of things there are or meal planning, those kinds of things. And then in your business, you know, should you really be doing your website design, like you could make arguments either way, but at least maybe not figuring everything out. Now, I have to balance it sometimes with how much more time do you have versus money. But anytime you have less time, what I recommend is that you use your money to buy more time. So if you're running out of time, let's say you're working full time, because I work with a lot of people who are in that situation, they have a full time job, and they really want to start this business. Well, you got to find time somewhere, right? There is a cost to your success, there's a cost to this goal of starting your business. And so you may have to use money to go buy yourself time, right? Maybe it's that you're going to do a meal delivery service or something like that to buy you time back in the evening so you can work on your business, or cleaning your house, or helping you speed along, right? Working with somebody like myself, whether it's in Food Business Success, or one on one, or helping you with your website are some of the other services that we do for people is like, it gets you there a lot faster than you trying to figure everything out on your own. Now, if you have a lot of time then it may be more worth your investment to go and learn those things. But there are things that you're only going to do once, and it's a lot of effort to go and reinvent the wheel to go learn all of that stuff, right? So sometimes it makes a lot more sense to go and just find somebody who knows what they're doing, they're going to get it done a whole lot faster. So think about, you know, where you're most essential work is being done and the highest level that you can be paid at realistically, right? And then everything else start working towards outsourcing that. And I will tell you, for many of you, you may not like this, but it will eventually be outsourcing your production of your product. I know you get into this business because you love making your product. And I'm not saying you have to go to a co packer. But it's not going to serve you very well if you're continuing to only be making the product. But you also need to be putting on your salesperson hat and your marketing hat, right? And your CEO hat and the manager hat. And so you can't do it all. And usually one of the first things that I recommend somebody in a in a business does is to has a product business to go ahead and how can I outsource and hire contract laborer or hire employees or find a co packer and make that investment to free up some of my time so that I can do higher level strategic work and go grow the business, right? And I'm working with some people in Master Your Business on doing just that because it's time. And I recommend, there's kind of this perfect little balance point of like, you're pushing the edges of like, what's possible, and you're like, oh, I'm stretching myself on time. But you're also probably going to be doing it at a time when you're like, I'm not quite ready, right? Like making that investment is going to feel scary to you. And I recommend doing it a little bit sooner than what you think you're ready for because it's going to take a little time to onboard and get somebody in and doing it up to your standards, whatever that is. That could be social media. That could be your bookkeeping, it could be production, could be filing taxes, and you know, sales tax, and all of those things. Could be graphic design and like email writing, like the list goes on and on of the things. And so we want to get something off of your plate to free you up to go grow the business. It will stagnate and if it's not growing, it's dying. Okay? So I highly recommend in many models, many business models that you are going to want to outsource sooner than you probably think that you have to.
Alright, so that was kind of random, there was a lot there. But I just had some, like extra thoughts that I wanted to be sure I covered around money. So we talked about your money mindset. And definitely like, if you're afraid of money, if you don't want to look at it, if you yell at it, that you're never going to accumulate it. And so really important, we talked about money beliefs and uncovering those more. And then I talked about having a runway, knowing what that dollar amount is to invest, creating that runway for yourself, planning for the unknown, and developing that barbell personality. And then just making the investment going all in and getting, adding to that investment, some of the support and expertise that we don't think about usually when we start our business. I do, any more, I would never do any business new thing without getting support, right? I just am like, it's the who not how strategy. Like I don't want to go learn all this stuff. Let me just go find somebody who's already done it and knows what they're doing. And can give me the cheat sheet and help me skip the line. But I know that it's tempting when you're just starting out to go figure everything out yourself, I highly recommend just putting that amount of money in the budget, right? And again, go check out Food Business Success, it's meant to be super affordable for you bootstrappers out there. I just want to support you and help you get there faster. And then we talked about outsourcing, right? And that you got to let go of some things sooner than later so that you can go be freed up, buy some of your time back, whether it's personal or in your business so that you can go and grow this business. And I mentioned it really off handily. But I want to just circle back on this that there is an admission fee for success. When you're starting a business, think about that cost, both in time. I mean, it's time, it's money, it's you evolving and growing, and you are going to have to change your identity. You cannot be who you are now and create something totally different. You will change along the way and there will be an identity shift. And you have to think ahead of time like am I willing to pay that admission fee. And it's sometimes we think about these things as fines like after the fact we're like, oh, this happened and it feels like we're being fined. But now this is the price of admission. This is the way that we get to ride this ride of entrepreneurship. And so understanding what those costs are up front, and then making a committed decision to go all in and then just start taking action and commit to yourself to never give up. All right, that's what I have for you this week. Stay tuned on Friday, we have a big announcement dropping on the podcast. There's going to be some changes. That's what life is as an entrepreneurs, always changes and it's actually the best part about it if you can lean into it. But stay tuned on Friday, there's going to be some changes to the podcast that I'm very excited about. And you'll get to listen with everybody else. So keep an eye out for that. And until next time, have an amazing week!
The smartest thing you can do as an entrepreneur is to invest in a who to help you with the how to speed up your journey and help you skip the line. When you are ready for more support and accountability to finally get this thing done. You can work with me in two ways. Get me all to yourself with one on one business coaching or join Food Business Success which includes membership inside Fuel, our community of food business founders that includes monthly live group coaching calls and so much more. It's one of my favorite places to hang out and I would love to see you there. Go to to start your journey towards your own Food Business Success.
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