Let's Take Your Weekends Back...

It's time to make this business into one that works FOR you instead of this nightmare of a J-O-B that demands every minute of your life that you created


You are a maker who had a fun idea to turn your passion into a business. Now you are dumping money into your business and not seeing any profit and wondering what has to change for you to get your time back (your friends and family miss you).


Can you relate?

You are paralyzed with indecision and just keep asking others and doing more research on the "right" way because you are afraid you will make the wrong decision and fail.


You are starting to wonder if this business is just an expensive hobby...when will it actually make a profit or pay you a salary? 


Your business is consuming you. It's all you think about and do. When you are with your family or just doing nothing, you feel guilty for not working. 


You have a partner in the business and you are both doing and re-doing the same things. Decisions don't get made and roles aren't clear, so there is tension and wasted time.


You tried hiring or outsourcing to relieve some of the workload, but it didn't go so well. You fired everyone and took it all back because you are the only one who can do it right.


You started this business for fun, freedom and to make a contribution that helped people. Instead you wear all the hats and are pulled in a million directions leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.


You are starting to resent the business and maybe even the product. You are chained to the business with no sign of relief in sight.


You keep adding new offerings hoping that new products will be the golden ticket to the business finally working and making money.


You have a big goal for the business this year - to replace your j-o-b salary, to be in X number of stores, to finally allow you to take a vacation that it pays for itself from the business - but you aren't sure how to create this. 


You are putting out one fire 🔥 after the next with quality, shipping, sales, sourcing, contracts and employees and nothing seems to get better. You are wondering if this is worth the headache. 


The business and your mind just feel out of control and you know something has to change.


"We signed up for MYB right before we launched our product and the course was instrumental in helping us feel confident in our ability to move forward. We started out a clueless, overwhelmed mess! Boom, 12 weeks of MYB and we now have systems in place, a business plan for the next year and so many resources to reference back to when needed. So thankful for Sari and MYB!"

~ Laura & Wilson, Fire Baked Cookies


Just because you make a great product, doesn't mean you know how to run a profitable, fun and self-managing business. Most entrepreneurs DON'T (because you've never done it before). Let's change that.



If you are ready to finally work ON your business instead of IN your business and get the expertise, accountability and support to learn the skills of running a business, I got you.


Conquer the chaos. Create systems that give you confidence, calm and cash. It's time to step into the CEO role of your business.

Give me 3 months and 30 hours and I guarantee I will give you back 300 hours (that's 37 Saturdays!). You can take that time and put it towards higher leverage activities that get you on your way to making $300K in your business or actually take the day off. 

Here's what you will get out of Master Your Business:

  • Define why your business exists, your values that drive decisions and your 10X goal that gets you into action!
  • Relief from the hamster wheel of your business running you, instead of you running your business.
  • Set up your business for profit by prioritizing it and put a plan in place to create more with more ease and fun.
  • Build out your 2024 forecast to set you up for a 10X year!
  • Become the CEO, manager and innovator in your business, not just the maker doing all the work.
  • Fall in love with your business (again) and have an intentional plan for the year.
  • Create more raving fans and sales as you step out you as your business and instead create a customer-centric business. 
  • Create more freedom and time to do more of what you love in your business by outsourcing and hiring well.
  • Know your organization setup and have a hiring plan.
  • Face the reality of your business head on to know your numbers and feel empowered to take the next steps to create a profitable business.
  • Feel more safe and secure in your business and its future.
  • Plan for obstacles and problem-solving tools ready to go when things don't go according to the plan.
  • Get out of indecision, confusion and chaos to make informed decisions and take calculated risks backed up by data and strategy.
  • Feel confident and excited about the year ahead as you step into the CEO of your business to run it like a BOSS.


See the full curriculum under the pricing section of this website below.


There are times to figure it out all your self and there are times to make an investment in the future of your business and get outside expert help.


This is a mindset program because you can have an amazing product, all the money and time and still not be successful because of you limiting beliefs about what's possible for you.


AND this is a tactical, strategic and DOING the work program. You will learn how to manage your finances and run the books. You will create processes, systems and do the foundational work of a real business. 


No more playing "entrepreneur". You are going to become one. 




There is no time to waste - 40% of businesses fail in the first year and 80% of businesses fail by year five. And the suffering can be intense before the decision to close. This doesn't have to be your story!


And there is a full money back guarantee* if you don't create 300 hours of time freed up each year or I will work with you one-on-one to support you!


You know in your gut if this is something you MUST do. Own it, make a decision and take action now. 


If you have been in business for at least three months with sales and are experiencing any of the symptoms above, Master Your Business is the cure. 


Give me 3 months and 30 hours and I guarantee I will help you take back 300 hours of your life - that's 37 Saturdays you get to enjoy this year!

Master Your Business Course Topics

We use the 10X is Easier Than 2X book as a model for creating more in your business with less work.  I was inspired to create this program after reading the book The E-Myth by Michael Gerber. It was the aha that clarified why some brands I worked with succeeded and why many didn't get much traction. 

This is not an inclusive list as I tailor the curriculum to the current cohort, but this will give you an idea of what we cover over 12 weeks and the work you will do in your business. If you have more questions, email me at [email protected].

Define the Primary Aim of Your Life & Business (your why), Raising Your Standards

Define your Mission, Vision, Values, 10X Goals and Priorities

CEO & CFO activities including Cash Flow, Annual Planning with Activities, 2023 Forecast

Using Profit First in your business

Creating a Turnkey Business

Creating Business Processes & Systems to free up your time

Define the Customer Journey

Define the Org Chart

Marketing processes

Hiring with Position Agreement

Put it all together to solidify the identity of a CEO 


Give me 3 months and 30 hours and I guarantee I will give you back 300 hours, or 37 days off (yes, even Saturdays), and actually be able to enjoy it knowing your business is running smoothly without you there. 


  • Commit to giving this program 30 hours of your precious time - that's the seven calls, the 11 lessons, doing the homework and reading the book 10X is Easier Than 2X
  • Show up to at least six of the coaching calls and participate
  • Post weekly in the MYB community feed your win, an ask and a weekly score and answer the questions I pose each week around the teaching
  • If we have not found you 300 hours you can take back in your business (that's a 10X return on your time!), I will fully refund you the course fee OR I will coach you up to four sessions privately to help you get there.

Ready to apply for Master Your Business? 

Complete the application below and I will personally review your application and follow up with you in 5 business days (or less). 

We will begin enrollment in August 2024.

Janet is becoming the CEO her business needs!


50% Complete

Two Step

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